Getting married (obviously…we had to start this marriage thing somehow!)
Enjoying a beautiful Hawaiian honeymoon

Taking advantage of the local River Valley (during all seasons!)

Setting up (and taking down!) our first home together

Sharing Christmas with the G fam

Sharing Christmas with the T fam which includes the cutest nieces of all time (wearing Christmas aprons from us)!

Dressing up like dorks for special occasions (hhmmmm…can you guess this particular occasion?)

Conducting various experiments (such as making our own butter)

Attending races together (mostly Lowell as the racer and Julie as the spectator- main reasons for this is a story for another day)

Rocking guitar hero and other such randomness

Being dorks in general (this particular action took up approximately 94% of our year, but this is one of the few pictures that actually document it)

Participating in an awesome Bible Study

Having ridiculous firetruck scenarios

Spectating various sporting events (featuring WAYNE GRETZKY (coach below) and DAVID BECKHAM among other sports stars)

Babysitting kiddies (we love babysitting kids)
Meeting celebrities!

And welcoming a brand spankin new niece.

It’s been a fantastic year, and we hope to repeat general fantasticness during our next year in New Zealand (it shouldn’t be too difficult).
Yeay for marriage!