More on labour, delivery, and life with little Fraser later, but for now the moment you've all been waiting for. The much anticipated WINNER of the baby prediction contest is... KAREN E!! She guessed a baby boy on September 28 at 1:25am, and our little Fraselnut* arrived on the 28th at 3:49am. She also guessed his length correctly (21 inches)! We'll be in touch, Karen... you have tunage and many lattes coming your way!
Also, Kevan W was the only one to guess the weight exactly (7lbs 9oz). I'd say that's worthy of a little prize... wouldn't you (Kev)?
Thank you all for your kind comments, congratulations and words of encouragement... we feel so loved!
*Props to Janessa G for suggesting "Fraselnut" as a nickname for our boy. We've been using it so naturally already, and I'd like to think that eventually I would have come up with the brilliant idea myself!
YES! I'm so glad it caught on! He's beautiful!! And you FOR SURE would have thought of it on your own, I just prompted you, right? :)
Hello baby Fraselnut. Auntie bought you some fun things today and can't wait to give them to you on Monday!!!
Hey,congrats guys. Glad the Taylors have a baby boy in the family now. Good luck with the new adjustments. All those sleepless moments are really worth it at the end of the day.
Fraselnut is a great nickname! And I like prizes! Those are both positive statements. Congrats guys!
he fits right in already :)
Congrats you guys! He's such a cutie patootie :)Welcome to parenthood!
Oh my - sooo cute!
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