At my doctor’s appointment on the 26th, we decided to be induced the following morning. We arrived promptly at 7am and were ushered to the induction room where I was strapped up to monitors then given breakfast (score!).

We took the opportunity to have a snooze and take the pooch for one last baby-less walk. (note the nasty cankles. It looks like I'm wearing an ankelet...but I'm not).

Can you spot the bump?

At 7pm we FINALLY had access to the birthing room with a shower where we spent the next 4-5 hours (while Carlynne sat directly outside the bathroom reading her book and using Lowell’s iphone app to keep track of contractions every time Lowell hollered from the shower “CONTRACTION!”and “AALLLLLL DONE!” We're kind of losers that way).
The contractions were becoming almost unbearable, but Lowell and the shower were my saving grace. Lowell has since commented that he’s really glad he built tons of muscle doing P90X because he needed every ounce of strength as he contorted himself in the shower, pushing against the walls, massaging me, applying pressure where I needed it AND holding the shower head so I had a continual even distribution of hot water on my body. By 12:30am, I was still ripping off intense contractions every 2 minutes but wasn’t dilating more than 7cm, so the doctor decided to put me on the drip. With the knowledge that things were about to get even MORE intense and I was already exhausted and barely conscious during the brief breaks between contractions, I opted for the epidural. This is one of the barely conscious breaks JUST before the blessed epidural...

Shortly after 3am the pushing began, and at 3:49am the doctor announced “IT’S A BOY!”
The emotions that tore through us at this announcement… shock, disbelief, elation, relief, and gratefulness. Lowell promptly grabbed my hand and sent a tearful little prayer of thanksgiving heavenward… WE GOT OUR SON!!

We thought that he was hanging out in my womb all that time getting fat, but he surprised us all by only being 7lbs 9oz. Turns out that he was spending his sweet time growing LONG. Long body, limbs, fingers, toes, and hair. (I’m predicting astronomical grocery bills in the future. This kid is going to be HUGE!) And it's a dang good thing he wasn't any bigger because I ended up with level 3 tearing as it was (ouch)!
I am SO HAPPY Carlynne could stay for Fraser’s birth (she changed her flight to the 29th). It was so special having Lowell and Carlynne cheering me on for 15 hours. It must’ve been nearly as exhausting for them as it was for me, and I was SO SO grateful for their support.
Little Fraser is perfect. Absolutely perfect.

so so beautiful!!
that picture behind the tree killed me!! also lovin the lethbridge wind :)
I can't believe you were walking around outside in that wind - that could have caused a scandalous situation!
I am so excited to slather some love on the little Fraselberry (that's my new nickname for him - because apparently "Fraser" is the Sottish form of the french with it) :)
Oh my I laughed and cried and laughed again. I love this. Can't wait to meet little Fraser. xoxo
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