I was super comfortable in my Mommy's womb, but I've recently been getting the distinct impression that she wanted me out of there.
This is the first thing I saw upon my entrance into this big bad world...

It's been a wild ride, and either my Mom or I will fill you in on all the exciting events of my big birth day soon. For now, I must seek out something hazelnutty and chocolatey... for some reason I have a strong hankering!
No wonder he was in the womb so long, it takes time to look THAT GOOD! He is beautiful! And look at all that hair!!!! I cannot wait to meet your little man, AND a BOY to boot! Couldn't be better!
congratulations! I can't wait to meet him!
Congratulations!! Welcome to the world, baby Fraser - God has blessed you with amazing, loving, crazy parents!
Yay!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOO cute!!!!
YA! You're finally here!! Congratulations Julie & Lowell. What a great blessing! Can't wait to meet you!
Congratulations to all of you! I am so glad he is here safe and sound. He looks really sweet. Have fun with him.
Congratulations to all 3 of you! I am so happy for you and pray God to bless you as you raise Fraser to His honor and glory! It has been so much fun following your very enjoyable "story"!I will never see a pumpkin or melon without thinking of you!! Thank you!With my love, Janny Wisse
At last - welcome to the world baby Fraser. And what a good looking baby! Congratulations to everyone...
ahhhh! Welcome to the world, little Fraser! Congratulations you guys, he is absolutely gorgeous!
Congratulations! I'll look forward to hearing about the wild ride, but in the meantime take it easy and enjoy this little blessing!
CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for you guys and I know you two are going to be great parents! How exciting!!
Awwwww so cute!!! I also love how you took the time to blog about this ;) As readers, we thank you!!!
Good luck and have an amazing time in the first little while!!
Congratulations! You must be so thrilled to be finally getting to know your little son! God bless all three of you!
Alisha and Tyler
Congrats on the new baby, we are so excited to finally have a newphew!! (was begining to think it would never happen in the T family!) Can't wait to see you... Love all three of you!
L & M
Yay! He has decided to see the big world! He is so beautiful. congratulations!
CONGRATS! So excited for you both. He looks beautiful! Hope you are all doing great!
Wahooooooooooooodle! So happy for you!!
Now for the most important question of the day - who won? Come on everyone wants to know...I'm not afraid to ask!?
Oh, how thrilling!
Congratulations and God bless you 3 richly !!!!!
Congrats guys!!! Awesome!!!
Fraser is absolutely beautiful! You both are very lucky; just as lucky as he is to have both of you. Congratulations! Can hardly wait to meet him. :)
WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!! Yeah! Fantastic. Keep On Rockin Mother of Fraser!!
CONGRATULATIONS FROM BAKERSFIELD, CA! He is beautiful :) God bless you both
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