Today I discovered my new calling in life. Speech Pathology? Nope. Laying sod!
I admit my initial hesitation to partake in such a
chore (on a
Saturday no less), but a
chore it was not. A
pleasure it was indeed. It was so fun! It's like putting together a big giant puzzle and
it was soooo satisfying (PS it helps to do it with fun people).
We forgot to take a "before" picture, but use your imagination and visualize the same picture only without the grass.
Dave R and I made a great team. Our section of the yard turned out the best by far (in my humble opinion)
Megan and Mom workin on their section (and Dave K and Stephanie in the background). They did O.K. ;)
Dad was the sod transporter and photographer!
Dave K, Stephanie, and I doing some finishing touches.
Dave R and Megan rolling around on the new lawn. WAHOO!
La produit fini! (One corner of the yard anyway...)
My destiny has now been fulfilled.
well, I'm glad Dad just compared me to Mischa Barton...I'll take that as a compliment and try to forget about the picture he took it from. (gak! those pants!) :) The sod laying looks fun...glad you had a good time...when's the next round?
Yeah for GRASS!!!! It looks awesome! Sorry I missed it!
Did you guys crack "sod" jokes all day? (i.e. "Oh sod it! I just put that piece in wrong!" :))
I'm glad that you have found your new calling in a patch of grass. :)
:o) A.
PS- Thanks for being the only person who comments on my blog!! YAY! :) I will have to update it soon.
PPS- the pants...hideous...just...I can't even go there.
megan wins for doing it with a busted up knee.
nice job to all though.
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