Us G's tend to be a bit of a rowdy bunch. Shareen & Craig, Carlynne, and I are all home right now, so we went out for lunch with our parents to a quaint, albeit
packed, cafe. Following our lunch, I spontaneously felt the need to challenge Carlynne to an arm wrestle. This girl may be small, but she's freakishly strong. Here's our first match:

Carlynne won, so Mom stepped up to the plate to challenge the winner:

Carlynne won
again, so Shareen was up next:

.....Carlynne won again. I suddenly felt a surge of power at this point and demanded a rematch. Who won this time??

ME!!! (And I don't think Carlynne's fatiguing arm had anything to do with that...)
Last night we had an even more rowdy family gathering (with Megan!). We played our family's classic favourite game: Guesstures!

best part of this game is playing with my Dad. he goes NUTS! This is him acting with one of his less intense game faces on:

And just for the record. My *ahem* team won.
Carlynne must have some super strong biceps under those sleeves.
Looks like a great family time!
Hey that's the cafe recommended in the previous Lethbridge post, isn't it? Ü Hurray for family games!
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