Monday, December 11, 2006

Baby Butt Cream

Carlynne has been ranting and raving about this amazing hand lotion she got from the hospital. “It just feels so smooth!”; “It’s AMAAAAZING!”
This morning she commented on her dry, cracking hands, but still claimed that the hand lotion was wonderful….until she read the back label. She has been putting cream for diaper rash on her hands on a regular basis. Apparently that stuff doesn’t do too much to combat dryness.
Smooth move Carlynne.


Anonymous said...

You'd think it WOULD combat dryness, if you're going to apply it to a baby's bottom :)

m+K said...

hee hee Carlynne! Julie, did you ask Carlynne's permission before you told this story? :) This reminds me of last time we were home and I asked your mom for lip balm. It really made me lips tingle a lot but I just thought that meant it was working. But turns out it was massage cream for your temples. Kylie

Anonymous said...

Yes, I feel a little bit silly about this whole cream thing. But in my defense, the hospital does carry NORMAL hand lotion in an identical tube... I must admit, I was a bit perplexed by the zinc oxide like smell.


Lowell & Julie said...

suuuuuuuure :)

shareen said...

when I was in the hospital I almost grabbed the tube in the bathroom (which LOOKED like a tube of hand cream) to use a bit on my face. I had just washed my face with the soap in there and I felt like I had just had some crazy botox or something my face was so tight. Good thing I read the label though, it turned out to be the lubricant the nurses used for aiding them in "disempacting" my roomie. I blame the morphine.


Hey Julie,
This is sort of a weird post to be commenting on, seeing as I really am not going to touch on Carlynne using bumb cream... eeww! But Congrats to you and Lowell, that's very very cool. Maybe I'll catch some time over the holidays.