Sunday, February 18, 2007

My Coat Twin

Yes, I have a real twin and we are not identical. We are fraternal. Two eggs. Dizygotic.

However, I do have an identical coat twin. She comes in the form of my roomie Tara.

Tara and I: Coat twins

Now I just have to find my hand twin, and I'll be happy as a clam!


Mama Bear said...

ooooh! I have that coat too :) Except it's red :( I guess i can't make it a "coat triplet" thing.

shareen said...

hand twin? I don't get it...

Lowell & Julie said...

Shareen, I'm disappointed in you. Joey? Friends? Ring a bell?

If I'm not mistaken, I think Clyn has found her hand twin (and it's not me). I'll have to clarify that though. Maybe that was just a dream...

Anonymous said...

Why yes Julie. I have foud my hand twin. Its a resident I met on my general surgery rotation. I saw her hand when we were on call and I thought, "Hey, thats my hand." I guess thats what happens when you meet your hand twin.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are the best good looking coat twins I have ever seen.
