10.This CITY.
A view of Lethbridge from an airplane (that's the U of L in the front)
The view from outside our window this morning.
I love Lethbridge. It’s not too big, it’s not too small… and best of all: it doesn’t have a rush hour! Well, it kind of does, but you definitely don’t have to factor in an hour extra of driving to account for rush hour like in Edmonton. Lethbridge has Chinooks, it’s pretty warm, and it’s easy to spend time outside- even in winter.
9.The hot tub.
Kylie relaxing in the hot tub.
I’m sure most people would agree that having unlimited access to a hot tub is a privilege indeed!

It’s amazing opening the fridge door and being allowed to eat WHATEVER I want from it. At home in Edmonton, we share the fridge with 5 girls, so I only have (guilt-free) access to 1/5th of it. Well, more like 1/4 because Carlynne and I share groceries, but that’s still nothing like 100% full access. The same goes for all the baking/cooking ingredients. I can cook all I want at home using whatever I want.
7.Hanging out in our new, beautiful, cozy home.

My room!
Our cozy living room.
My parents have made it into a very welcoming and homey place (both inside and out), and I always look forward to coming back. I’m especially looking forward to April when I get to live here with my parents until the WEDDING (in July)!
6.My Mom’s home-cooked and downright delicious meals.

She’s a superwoman that lady is. She always “experiments” with meals and trust me: it certainly isn’t punishment being guinea pigs for Mom! And for Christmas and Thanksgiving, Dad always does the turkey!
5.Going for family walks!
4.Lethbridge friends! It’s great to catch up with old and new friends in Lethy!

3.Having a dog around.
Tessie passed away in August at the age of 14. I miss her a lot.
Me playing with Niko.
Sadly, Tessie is no longer with us, but when Marc and Kylie are here, they bring Niko. He’s the only “grandkid” in the family and I love to run, snuggle, and play with him. He’s got a lot of energy, that boy!
2.My whole fun, quirky family.

I love when I come home and all the siblings come home too. I really look forward to when we all get together and reminisce about old memories and make several new ones! Rarely a dull moment with the G clan.
And the
NUMBER ONE Reason why I love coming home: My parents.

The last picture taken with them before I moved away from home.
I love love
LOVE them. They are so great and supportive, and the older we are all getting, the more fun they are to hang out with. They’ll always be my parents first and foremost, but they’re also some of my
best friends.
Not only have they made it possible for us kids to have so many amazing opportunities, but they’ve been so supportive and encouraging in all that we do. Every time we have anything going on (i.e. exam, meeting, travel etc) they always let us know several times that they’ll be praying for us. Without fail, my Dad ALWAYS has our first initial written on his hand. Right before heading into an exam, I’ll get an email saying, “I’ve got a ‘J’ on my hand!” How great is that? This is an example of an email from my Dad:
I've got the big J on my hand already!.Will pray for you lots today,esp 9-11 and 2-4. Have a SUPER DUPER DAY Julie! "Have no anxiety in anything, in in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of god, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4: 6+7.
Love you kpishi Julie! Dad XXXXXOOOOO
There’s so much more to say about my parents, but it all boils down to this: I love them a
lot and I feel SO blessed that I get to be one of their daughters.
Yep, Life at home is good.