Following are a few pictures that we have on one camera (of many)- just to give you an idea of the last 2 days (wedding-wise).
Wednesday: The plan was to make my own wedding cake. I found a super cute little tier thing to use and everything. The plan failed for NO APPARENT REASON. The cakes looked like small volcanoes. ALL THREE OF THEM. And they were quite flat. Cue: phone call to Aunt Cheryl! This doll is going to make the cake(s) TODAY.
And the rest of the day was a blur. (A fun blur of course).
On Wednesday night, Carlynne (twin sis), Dan (sis's boyfriend), Avery (old roomie) and THE GROOMY arrived from Edmonton. They actually arrived at 12:30am, so I guess that was early Thursday morning, and I was sleeping. Hee hee.
But yesterday was FULL and FUN! Everyone worked all day: mowing lawns, baking, cooking, cleaning, getting pedicures (this was the roughest job of all;), scrambling to do some wedding stuff....
Then more friends and relatives arrived!
Our deck was double booked that night by Shareen/Carlynne and my Mama. Shar & Car planned a stagette for me, and my Mom planned a big supper for the relatives and boys (who were not invited to the stagette of course!) Turned out that we got the deck for a while, then ate at Earls instead of shishkabobbing it. It was still great times though.
Afterwards it was gift opening time (secretly my favourite part! kidding). My sister's are so dang creative. Remember the bridal shower Carlynne threw for me? Well this one was just as fun! I loooooove chick flicks, so the theme was CHICK FLICKS. They each gave me a DVD that had some meaning behind it (whether it be one of their favourites, my favourites, or it was a bonding thing between them and I). I was to guess who each one was from, and while I did not so hot, I still love all my new chicky flicky DVDs!!! There are like a billion of them!
Ok, I'll fess up to being a lurker! Lowell's mom gave my mom your address so I've been secretly reading about you for the last month. So who am I? Well, I'm Lowell's 2nd cousin (or 3rd - not really sure how that works:) ). Anyways my Dad and Lowell's mom are cousins. Got it?
Anyways, congrats and I wish you the best day ever tomorrow!!! Can't wait to see the pics!
Jen (Abbott) vanTol
I love watching people get married and all the celebration around it. Bridal showers, stagettes, dinners, ceremony. It's all SO AWESOME!
WWEeeeeeeeeeeee! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us updated!!!!
Wheeeeeee!!!!! Is right!! I'm SO excited for you guys!!!
Hi Guys. Enjoy every moment of your day! I have been thinking of you both all day. Thoughts like "I wonder what they're doing now?" "They are probably getting hair done now." "It's such a nice day for a wedding" and so on and so forth. Can't wait to see pics. Congrats and I'll be celebrating with you from here!
Oh my godfathers, your day is here!!!! Can't wait to see your photos!!!
Congratulations and have a wonderful wonderful AMAZING day!! I'll be thinking of you!! :)
Happy wedding day!!! I can't WAIT to see the pictures, hear all about it, and your honeymoon as well. Enjoy your day!
Congratulations lovely newlyweds! I'm sure you're off somewhere relaxing. Hope your wedding was a wonderful wonderful beautiful day!
in case people are looking for them, I've posted some wedding pictures on my blog...just a few, but enough to satisfy at least a little curiosity. :)
Hey guys, i figured you'd have some pictures up by now. It's been three days. Just when i thought you were dedicated bloggers...what else could you possibly be doing? Hope to see some soon.
By the time you read this you'll already be married Whoooo Hooooo! I saw pics on Shareen's blog...You looked AMAZING! Looks like a super fun day. Congratulations Julie!!!
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