I'm so excited that she's home, and I very much appreciate all the help she's been already! This picture was not taken this week, but I thought it was OH SO appropriate (and that she looks oh so cute)!

And the festivities continue...
Today is my Dad's birthday. He's twenty or thirty- something... right Dad?;)
Aaron came over and we had a leetle party last night (Mom's absent from the picture b/c she took it)
Mom, Shareen and I are getting things done left right and centre while my Dad is working his butt off earning the money to make such things possible. Tomorrow some more special guests shall arrive. EEEeeeeeee this is getting sooooo exciting!!! =)
Yipes, Julie, only 4 sleeps!!!
Congratulations, have fun and ENJOY EVERY MOMENT!!!!
Julie, I like that picture of me with the flour...it's kinda cute.
wow, you're getting married....you must be buzzing with anticipation...and from the sounds of it, your man is mighty excited too. :) I had a little heart squeeze yesterday when I read his comment about being excited about the life-long marathon he was about to embark on with you. :) I know I've never met you guys, but you seem so utterly happy and in love and it gives me so much hope. :)
I am just so excited for you. :)
Hi Julie,
You don't know me, I'm just a random person on the internet (from tiny little New Zealand), but I stumbled across your site a couple of months ago and love reading your posts!
Anyway, I just wanted to out myself as the lurker that I am, and wish you all the best for your wedding! You and Lowell seem like a wonderful couple :)
God bless you,
Hey Julie,
Seeing as how you're getting comments from random folks, I thought I'd add in my two cents. Have fun on your wedding day. You don't seem like the "stressful" type, so I'm sure you are calm, cool and collected right now two days before you're wedding. My advice: enjoy your day. Enjoy each moment for what it is.
ps. If you could post pictures as soon as humanly possible for all us snoopy snoopers out there, that would be appreciated.
Hey Julie,
You dont know me i am actually another one of your little blogger lurkers from Alabama. I have been keeping tabs on you blog since you and Lowell's engagement and i just wanted to tell you congrats. You and lowell seem like the perfect couple and i hope you two have a wonderful wedding day. Like said above please post pics asap.. Good luck.
God Bless,
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