Remember when I posted about Lowell and I's
first date? Well, as I finished typing that up, John Tesh on EZ Rock 104.9 said "...So go to now and enter your first date in the contest..." (as Valentines week was "love week"). How convenient was that? So I did a little copy and pasteroo, and a couple days later I got an email saying I was a runner up. They asked me to email them my address and my size as I had won a pair of pajamas! I wanted the pajamas to fit, so I was very specific about my size. "I'm usually this or this, but my measurements are this and this, but in some stores I'm this, but keep in mind that I'm 5'7", so I don't want them to be short..." I think they found these instructions rather tedious, so they sent me these instead:
A Josh Groban CD
A Natalie Cole CD
A Rod Stewart CD
A Subway cash card! I don't know how much is on it, but I'm hoping it's in the thousands/millions as it was once (for a brief period of time) a goal of mine to eat at every Subway in Canada, and this could help make my dream become reality! What are the chances?The CDs about doubled my current CD collection, so I think they sent those to the right girl. The only CDs I own are "20 Praise & Worship Songs", 2 Celine Dion CDs, and Amy Grant's CLASSIC Christmas CD. With 7 CDs in my possession, I think I'm good to go...
Thank you John Tesh! (Although I still kind of want the PJs...)
Ok, Ok, I officially have to quit anonymously lurking after this post. Hi! I'm Kirstin. I worked with Lowell at Camp Silversides (I was Squirrel) and I found my way to your blog through the Camp staff updates section. Julie, I love your, imaginative and joyful. I hope you don't mind the lurkings of a random stranger--I promise I'm really normal. Ü You sound like a really neat person!
The impetus for my delurkifying: I LOVE music and I'm really excited for your new cds. What a great prize! I bet the Natalie Cole album will be fabulous.
Congrats on you loot!! And I didn't read the comments below, but did anyone tell you that Marky-Mark was actually PART of NKOTB?
I'm old :)
sorry, could you repeat that?? You own 7 cd's????? SEVEN?!! that is horrendous! so horrendous that i can't even believe it. Oh dear...think of things you're missing. Ok, send me your address and i will burn some cd's for you. seriously.
KRISTIN! You are my first official "delurker". You makes me happy :)
Angella, WHAT?!? Marky Mark WAS a NKOTB? I'd never heard of the guys before, and now he's everywhere. They talked about him on the radio this morning too!
Shelley, Shelley. I appreciate your kind offer, but I DO have a couple burned CDs (and music on my computer) but I only have seven actual CDs. Like store-bought ones. You're a real doll though :)
oh yeah, Julie, Mark and his brother Donnie were in the New Kids (ask Kylie - she had the poster AND the bed sheets), but more importantly, the new Josh Groban CD is really good, and Natalie Cole is a winner...and Rod Stewart? Great for cleaning the house know, jumping up on the coffee table, playing air guitar... Seriously people, you know you do it too. :)
you probably don't read comments this old, but 7 CD's??
I think I have somewhere in the neighbourhood of 400.
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