The number of sperm that could be fit into an aspirin capsule would be enough to repopulate the earth to its present numbers. (I found this particularly interesting as up until a few years ago, I thought sperm was actually the size of a tadpole...that's what they look like in all the text books!)
The number of female ova necessary to repopulate the world could fit into a chicken egg. (Again....surprising)
Just think, the entire earth could be repopulated from just an aspirin capsule and a chicken egg. Weird...
In my previous post, I mentioned the little tidbit about Mark Wahlberg and his third nipple. I didn't even know who the dude was, but apparently he was "The Body" in the 80's, an underwear model, singer, and is now an actor (Entourage?). He originally became famous b/c he was the little brother of one of the New Kids on the Block. *sigh* New Kids on the Block...
Anyhoo, Marky Mark (as he is apparently known) declined removing the third nipple b/c he "began to embrace it". Well, good for him, I say!
Here he is ladies and gents...

I am glad you are still enjoying the unintended gift, maybe subconsciously I knew it was meant for you. And Marky Mark - have you not heard Good Vibrations!!! You must have been living in the dark ages. (or maybe 4 at the time the song came out.) ;) Miss you, Kylie
Okay Julie..I am only 1 year older than you (I think) but grew up with a thorough knowledge of who Marky Mark was from my friends at school (of course not at home..that would have been scandelous!) How did you miss out on such a big part of the 80's? :) You need to redeem yourself listing 10 bands/celebrities of the 80's or I will be disappointed. :)
Marc even had a cd with "Good Vibrations" on it and we used to play it all the time!! (I still remember, it was called "Awesome Hits" and had an orange cover with a purple and green weird face thing on it...) Seriously, where were you?
Okay okay, apparently this is a classic case of "I know the song, but I don't know the singer(s)." I get that a lot. Still. I know tons of songs by tons of artists, but if you ask me if I know an artist, I won't until you sing me a familiar song of his/hers.
Susan, I promise I know at LEAST 10 songs from the 80s, I just can't think of them (or their singers) right now :) TIFFANY. She was classic. Who sang "Aruba Jamaica"? Is that 80s? And what about Raffi? Does he count? Or Fred Penner? They're technically 80s right?
I consider myself redeemed :)
Okay. You are partially redeemed (but only because I loved Tiffany, Raffi and Fred Penner and they were big parts of my childhood). :) But my shock still remains because first of all, the song is "Kokomo," not "Aruba Jamaica." And I would assume you knew and just forgot that the Beach Boys sang it, right?
Sigh. I guess I will let it go. :) But just so you know, your posts always bring comic relief to my thank you Julie. :)
julie, would you like to enlighten susan about your dance routine to kokomo?
Yes, would you? :)
Um, yes I did know that it was called 'Kokomo', and yes I, uh, did know that the Beach Boys sang it (?!). And Shareen & Susan, I don't think any description would do that dance routine (or any of the other ones) justice. You'd have to see it to believe it, Susan. Really. :)
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