Friday, November 17, 2006

What was I thinking?

Let me give you a little background. I got these boots about 2 years ago, and I've worn them twice. In fact, they're the only heels I've ever owned, so I've only ever worn heels twice in my life. Until yesterday. I thought it would be a good idea to wear the boots on the 15-20 minute walk in the half-packed-half-ice-snow, wind, and cold through a very bumpy schoolyard to school (I had clinic and I was dressed up). I had no other shoes at school, so I was stuck in these for the day and for the dreaded walk home. Now my knees hurt, my ankles hurt, my feet hurt, and don't even get me started on my bunions...

From now on I think I'll be sticking to these types of boots:


Susan said...

That's so funny...a few weeks ago I set out to buy a new pair of boots. Originally I wanted a nice heeled stylish pair because I always admire the girls at university here with their high boots.

But alas, common sense won cute brown boots have no heel and I can wear them the whole day. But Darcen is 9 inches taller than me so really, I could use a little height!

Have a great weekend! (P.S. I love those red boots...where in the world did you find them??)

shareen said...

poor Julie...I feel your pain. The other day at work I tried for stylish footwear and ended up running around the stoor in socks all day (too bad you didn't have that option, eh?)! Now I stick to outfits that allow for the wearing of runners. Or maybe I just need more comfy dressier shoes.

Anonymous said...


I'm completely with you on the not-wearing-heels-because-they-hurt-my-bunions.

I'm coming to Edmonton next week for convocation. Hope to see you at Corbett.


Elizabeth said...

Those second ones look sooo comfy!!! Jealous...

shareen said...

p.s. your legs look adorable

haha - knew i'd embarass you :)

Joanna said...

i hear ya - HOW do chicks DO IT? i mean walk around in heels all day - like 80% of the women here wear heels 24/7 (yes, also in bed). i attempted it for 3 hours last night and walked home limping. Maybe the gene for heel-wearing was weeded out in us prairies girls due to lack of usefulness given amount of snow/ice and also our ability to see for miles around us without added height.

m+K said...

I am with all of you here and cannot stand heels. I tried heels on recently with a dress and had the clerk laughing at me as I stumbled all over the store. She told me that maybe I should try a flat instead. Julie, the boots that I wore to Arie's wedding are super comfortable though. I have no idea what makes them so comfortable but I danced in them all night and did not get sore feet. I agree with Shareen, your legs look super sexy!!! Kylie

m+K said...

Me again. Guess what cd I popped into the little player today? The Greidanus Twin Christmas!!!! It's been about a year since I've heard it and I enjoy it every time. You should come out with a 2006 version. Kylie

Lowell & Julie said...

oh are you in for a little surprise...;)