Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tuscan Afternoon Revolution

Today Susan and I decided to start a revolution. A Tuscan Afternoon Latte revolution. I'm not sure exactly what this will look like, but I do know this: everyone should try one of these. Yes, I have slid down the slippery slope to becoming a coffee drinker. Well, not any kind of coffee drinker. Particularly a drinker of lattes...and DEcaffeinated lattes at that (does that even count as being a "coffee drinker"?). Susan introduced me to the Tuscan Afternoon Latte and treated me to one today. It was delightful and I am forever grateful to her for introducing me to this world of wonderfulness.

Check out your local Kopio today...


Susan said...

Why thank you. I am glad you found it delightful and as well am excited to see where this Tuscan revolution will go!

Thanks for the visit! I had a great time chatting with you.

P.S. My list for things to remember over the Christmas holidays: my toboggan and a stack of wedding mags for you. Since I've written it down, I'll do my best to remember! :)

Mama Bear said...

mmmmmmmmm.....that looks SOO good!!~