Aaaannd moving right along...

I have fairly random and unconnected thoughts to share, and as my deteriorating brain is no longer capable of subtle segues and ingenious transitions, I'm opting for point form.
1. CANADA DAY! Lowell and I looooove celebrating Canada's Birthday, and we drag Kumeu right into it with us.

2. We recently watched ‘Never Say Never’ with our small group pals, and I uncovered a deep, loyal and undying love for Justin Bieber (not even kidding). I didn’t even know his songs before, but now? Now his tunes are definitely going to dominate my labour mix!
3. Because of his visual impairment, Lowell hasn't really SEEN our baby kicking (i.e., my belly jiggling). Over the past couple of weeks, however, during our Healthy Pregnancy classes (taught by the lovely, knowledgable Cherri- Kylie's mama), Hazelnut's kicks made my name tag shake and bounce...and Lowell could SEE it! I then made him stare at my name tag for the remainder of the class. And since then, I've done a lot of putting-paper-on-belly-and-making-Lowell-stare (which he is MORE than willing to do).
4. Comments about my hugey hugeness have been on the rise. When people learn that I still have 11 weeks to go, they generally react with shock. One man suggested perhaps I was carrying twins, and here's a typical out-of-the-blue interaction with my loving husband:
Lowell: Should I pour some water over you?
Me: ummmmm, no thanks... why?
Lowell: Because you look like a beached whale.
Hardy har har! He also particularly enjoys standing in the doorway chuckling while I struggle to put my shoes on. All in good fun, my friends. All in good fun...
Here's a final glimpse of my growing abdomen. And please note the glorious (temporary) reprieve of my support hose. They were sent back because of a manufacturers flaw. Not so good for the veins, but simply divine during this flip flop weather!

Big = Beautiful!
I can't sleep...probably still on a Will & Kate high. You look adorable. I love your dress in the last picture!
While I'm really looking forward to meeting little Taylor, I'm seriously going to miss these weekly updates.
You guys are your own kind of special.....:)
those pictures are hilarious.
and i loved "...subtle segues and ingenious transitions". brilliant!
Tee hee I enjoy all these comments!
Shar, Car & Kylie- I toooootally posted the dress pic special for you! I KNEW it would garner a comment or two from you gals. :)
We enjoyed your post over breakfast this morning! So many fun pictures. What an adorable "Canadian" Family.
Great jump in your maxi dress pregnant lady!
Love Mum and Dad :)
you guys are way too funny!!
I love it.
I love the dress I love the funny I love the dog and also, love you :)
This post is hilarious for so many reasons. I love your maxi dress!
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