THIRD TRIMESTER! I believe that's what people officially refer to as the "homestretch"!
Not only is Hazelnut/eggplant a 2.25lbs, ~14.5-inch long baby who has eyelashes, can blink, is beginning to see light, and is developing tons of brain neurons and fat, BUT... he went on his first camping trip this weekend! And if you look really closely at my left leg in this picture, you can get a tiny glimpse of the vein nastiness slowly taking over my entire leg... also super special.
Our camping trip was at Crandell Lake (in Waterton) with Nicholas, PREGNANT Chelsea, and Kumeu's gf Maggie.

Photo cred for the following two pictures goes to Nicholas who was experimenting with the camera. Well done, Nicholas, well done...

This camping trip also marked a milestone in Kumeu's life... he learned how to swim! As he was learning, he followed the same general pattern:
Anticipate stick being thrown...

Watch as Maggie gets a head start...

Charge after her and steal the stick from her...

And then take credit for the fetch...

That is, before he learned that he was ticking Maggie off. Then it was teamwork all the way...

Kumeu also enjoyed his first fire pit experience (although he
did get a little close and singe his eye brow)...

And I had to supervise Kumeu & Maggie's morning smoochies...

Lowell and my huge-normous tent was perhaps a bit overkill, but at least we could fit Kumeu's crate
and ALL of our stuff in it... with room to spare. Unfortunately, it's size made it quite cold/airy during the (forecasted) chilly night, and it became more than clear to us that I (preggo brain) should no longer be the one in charge of packing bedding under such conditions. I optimistically packed a SHEET and the thinnest blanket known to man. We. were. FREEZING. Our rest was also not improved upon by Kumeu whom we let sleep in the tent with us (and not IN his crate). Every time one of us shifted, he thought it was time to play and came to jump on us and/or lick our faces. At about 3am we got smart, put Kumeu in his crate, put our sleeping bag (previously used to add extra padding/warmth to our thermarests) on TOP of us and snuggled in for the rest of the night.
We had great fun hiking, watching the pups swim, weiny roasting,
devouring ice cream, chatting around the fire, drinking SUPER RIDICULOUSLY SWEET caramel macchiatos, and having an overall grandiose time with Nick, Chels, & Maggie. Our camping trips next summer will be vastly different as there will be two babies added to the mix... fun fun fun! You
may not want to be in the campsites neighbouring

PS- Does anyone have any good recipes involving eggplant?? SHARE AWAY!!
Yolanda: Fun stuff! Looks like you had nice weather(minus the cold night!) Love the pic with the two dogs swimming triumphantly together.
Happy 3rd trimester! It took me a minute to find the eggplant. Is that an eggplant drink too? ;)
I remember camping in a tent, pregnant... sure was a lot quieter than last summer with three little ones lol
Enjoy these last months.
So this is a bit of a high maintenence recipe, but it is delicious!
Julie, you are looking so great! Pregnancy suits you well. :)
I too had trouble finding the eggplant and wondered if you were drinking an eggplant smoothie but no, you tricksters were just keeping us on our toes! I am excited to see you in less than a month!!!!!
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