Last week, Lowell and I were having a pleasant evening with cousin Erin when Lowell said, "You look like Dora's best friend Boots!"
For those of you unfamiliar with the cartoon Dora, Boots is indeed a

At least it was just my slippers that gave him that impression...not my face or the fact that I look like a cartoon.

i once had a friend tell me that i looked like "Woody" from toy story (the cowboy). I was not impressed.
Totally fun photo editing!
I'm concerned that Lowell even knows who Boots is! Is he an avid watcher of Dora the Explorer? :)
Have you ever told Lowell he looks a little like Moe Doodle from the doodle bops! Ha! Cute slippers though!
Don't worry, Julie, I was told that I looked like the lion from the Wizard of's the hair... :P
ps- I have camera-envy!!! :)
you make a very attractive cartoon. hey dude, I miss you. we should spend some quality time together!
Cute boots. :)
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