Our criteria for the first name was cut-throat. It could not be in the top 1,000 (according to wolfram alpha where 'Fraser' in fact didn't even show up as a first name!), but it couldn't be too crazy. So, unique but not ridiculous (i.e., no "Apple", "Cocoa" or "Blanket"... no offense to Gwyneth, Courtney or Michael of course).
We have a friend named Fraser who is really good friends with Marc & Kylie (and was the best man at their wedding). We liked his name a lot, and we also really like HIM so there are no negative associations!

We didn't even know what 'Fraser' meant when we named our boy, and googled it shortly after some of our first hospital visitors (Troy & Kirstin!) asked what it meant and we stared at them blankly and said "Dunno!" Well, it's of Scottish origin and apparently means 'woodsman', 'curly hair', and possibly even 'strawberries' (from the French 'fraise'). Perhaps he'll become a strawberry-lovin, curly-haired woodsman... what a fine catch he shall be!
Now for the 'Brian' part. Brian is Lowell's Dad's name as well as Lowell's middle name. Fraser is the first grandSON in the family, so we thought it was all too appropriate that he be named after his Dad AND his Grandpa T! Brian means 'high' or 'noble' (like Lowell or his Dad need to be reminded of THAT! Kidding kidding, boys...)

Little awkward that Fraser is named after my ex-bf. ha! But I'll still love and spoil him! (little Fraser, that is, not big Fraser)
I love the pics from the photo shoot! He's so small!
yay fraser! both little and big. what a quality guy to share a name with. he was my best friend long before he was anyone's evil ex! (i mean big fraser, not little fraser)
Oh Julie! I love these pics of little Fraser, glad to finally see them. SO CUTE!
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