1. Fraser and Kumeu. We still very much want Kumeu to be a big part of our family receiving lots of love and attention, so we did not take their introduction to each other lightly. Following Cesar Milan & the Monks of New Skete schools of thought, we first exposed Kumeu to a blankie that smelled like Fraser, then we spent time with Kums before introducing Fraser. When we DID introduce them, Fraser presented Kumeu with a toy. It went well and Kumeu seems to be adjusting nicely to the new little person in his life (although I think he’s a little baffled by all the noise in the middle of the night!)

2. I thought I was comfortable in my last few weeks of pregnancy… and for being 41.5 weeks pregnant, I suppose I WAS comfortable. But now that I don’t have a 44-inch belly, the water retention has dissipated, the reflux has subsided and the veins have largely vanished… I’d say I had forgotten what COMFORT was. My downstairs area is still rather sore (third degree tearing will do that to a person), but it’s nothing a little Advil, Tylenol & Epsom salts can’t manage!
3. Our boy already has a plethora of nicknames. Let’s see, there’s 'Fraselberry' (as the French ‘fraise’ means ‘strawberry’), 'Fraselator', 'Frasenator', 'Fraser the Laser', 'Fraisin', 'Frasel-rock' (like Fraggle Rock)… and those are only the ones created by Auntie Shareen who hasn’t even MET him yet! Other endearing names include ‘Crazy Frazie’, 'Frazie Fraze’, and 'Frasel-boy'. These are all on top of the popular ‘Fraselnut’ (which has somehow evolved into ‘Fraselnut butt’ at times). Oh this poor child…

Funny story. At the hospital, Lowell said “Don’t worry, you’ll be hot again soon” which was immediately followed by a ‘whoops- I just implied that she doesn’t look hot NOW’ expression. And then “you look beautiful.” Tee hee, I enjoy watching Lowell stumble over his words once in a while. :)
5. Since I lost most any dignity I had left during the delivery, I now have no qualms about whipping my boobs out in public. I FINALLY understand moms who do this. HOWEVER, I do control my boob-whipping-out out of consideration of those LESS comfortable with such things.
6. I guarantee that Angelina Jolie had nothing to do with the creation of this child… but check out those lips!

First bath at home...

so sweet!! welcome little fraselnut :)
What restaurant are you at for Fraser's first restaurant experience? I love the bath picture! Reminds me of the picture your mom sent right after you had Fraser entitled "Daddy the nather." :) Love it!
Kylie- We were at Bento Bowl for some Thai deliciousness. I'm eating yellow curry with tofu and coconut rice. This is the first dish I've had tofu in, and I get it every time... I love it!
Ah. its fun to see how much older frazel butt already is! Miss you guys:)
Did you guys sneak in new pictures? I swear I would have noticed his orange toque before? So glad it fits! and love the updates - not sure how you find the time? Miss you!
HA! Michelle you are so observant! I toooootally snuck the orange toque picture in later! The other shot we had to highlight his Angelina lips was just a blurry phone shot, so I just HAD to swap it. He loves his toque!!! Miss you too!!
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