Thursday, December 27, 2007

Oh Chute!

One night as Lowell and I were in bed, I krinkled my nose and said with disgust, "What's that smell?"

"I don't know" replied Lowell, "It's probably the result of your flatulence stuck in the sheets."

Although this suggestion sounds ridiculous (and slightly disturbing), it wasn't all that far-fetched :), so I took a good solid whiff under the sheets to see if they were indeed the culprit. NOPE. No smell there. I began really getting in touch with my sense of smell and thought out loud, "It smells socks!"

pause (thinking/processing time)...

"Wait a second" I said as I looked to the overflowing laundry hamper in the corner, "It IS dirty socks!!"

We keep a laundry hamper in our room. We also do laundry as little as possible because it costs money. Apparently these two things aren't the greatest combo.

Now that we're home (well, at Mom & Dad's home), I'm lapping up the luxury of a laundry chute. Those things are genius. If ever Lowell and I build a house, I think we'll design the whole thing around a laundry chute. Or perhaps multiple chutes...

1 comment :

Bloggy Mama said...

That is a great idea. I wish that we had one...