Around 1pm, Lowell called the company (which shall remain nameless sears) to check up on them because he hadn’t heard hide nor hare from them. The individual who answered the phone was rather curt and firmly told Lowell to wait 'till 5pm. So wait Lowell did, and did a freezer or phone call come? Nooooooo. By 5:40pm, Lowell called again. The lady said, “Your freezer may or may not be coming today, and the delivery guys may or may not call because they may or may not be late. The next available delivery date would be the following weekend. Ummmm… ridiculous.
The story’s not over.
At about 6:20pm, a man who lives on the same level as us knocked on our door and asked (with a hook-in-brow look), “Did you guys order a freezer?”
“I just got home from work, and it’s right in front of my door.”
Of course. Why didn’t we think to roam the halls before calling the company? We looked at the information on the box, and it was all correct. Our condo number as well as our phone number. They didn’t call OR go to the right condo number. Weird…
Anyhoo, we do indeedy have our freezer, and we have indeedy already spent a good chunk of my FIRST PAYCHEQUE at Costco. Lowell’s parents also contributed a quarter of a cow to our cause, so we have a freezer filled with meat, veggies, fruit, and all the good freezer stuff.
Freezers are good.
Mmmmmmm.... Fooood....
'Rents, this picture is to show you specifically where we crammed it. Fits like a glove!
Megan, your comment inspired this:

Wow it fits into that little store room very well. It also looks very neat inside- like a freezer ad actually. You are going to enjoy it!
Mum :)
I love freezers. In fact, I think that when I get married I will register for one thing and one thing only. A freezer. Well, a freezer and an ice cream maker. OK, a freezer, an ice cream maker and a cow to put in the freezer.
SO JEALOUS! I hate that we only have the dinky freezer above our fridge that dries out/burns everything and we always have to take into account what we already have in it so we don't buy too much frozen stuff. Like yesterday - great sale on turkeys for thanksgiving, but I couldn't buy one because I have no where to keep it until then...
Loved your freezer story and laughed out loud a few times. Are you a little disappointed in Sears by any chance? Hope you didn't pay extra to have your freezer delievered. If so, you should demand your money back!
a freezer full of cow. that's as albertan as it gets.
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