I used to get sick every year and it would last for a week to a month. The ol’ stuffy nose, can’t-breathe-and-lay-down-at-the-same-time type. (Personally, I’d rather be nauseous). However, for the last three years, I haven’t been sick at all (well, minus head splitting headaches and your regular run-of-the-mill IBS symptoms). I’ve been popping the vitamins regularly and have been a happy clog-free camper… until 2 days ago. I’m not sick per se (yet), but I can completely feel it coming. My throat is clogged and painful, and my left ear hurts like stink. I also mysteriously seem to need to blow my nose even more than usual. Apparently my regular dose of vitamins are no competition against 20 snotty-nosed-constantly-sick preschool kids.
I’m going to up the vitamin dose because I refuse to get sick. I can’t. I mustn’t. I will NOT GET SICK!!!
After all, I am Captain Invincible.
that reminds me of the sesame street song, "It is I, Captain Vegetable...with my carrots, and my cel-ery..." I started humming it when I read the title. Hope you feel better soon. Those kids will really get ya, eh?
My advice is to keep some purel hand sanitizer with you AT ALL TIMES! Those kids touch everything and you never know what they have touched before that...yuck! I keep a bottle of it on my desk when I'm teaching because I am the same way you are with the stuffy nose and I totally agree that I'd rather be nauseous than have a stuffy nose!
Goodluck to ya ;)
You just keep telling yourself that, and cuddle up to a hot water bottle as well as Lowell at night. I don't know if the hot water bottle does anything, but when I get sick (and all winter long) I sleep with one on my chest, tucked up under my chin - it feels good - and my throat feels better - wear lot's of scarves - woolly ones are the best....
Ah yes, the snotty-nosed, constantly sick preschoolers. That's what I deal with every day, too, and in a small confined space, nonetheless! I'm bound to get sick, vitamins or not...though it's mostly been the "not" lately; I always forget to take them!
I am currently recovering from laryngitis-like symptoms, along with a cold, for a week! It felt like an eternity.
I just became a teacher and basically had a cold throughout my entire practicum. Like you, I am rarely sick. My advice....get a flu shot. Your body and vitamins are no match for chidren's germs!
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