Without further ado:
Lowell's cousins Stephen (pictured with ultra prego wife Tricia) and Jordan, as well as Lowell's brother's brother-in-law Lance joined us for this to do. Things started off a little shaky as the day before race day, Lance's bike, which was like 2 days old and unridden, had 2 flat tires. He got new tires, and those went flat, and then his gears started jumping. Then Jordan's tires (also new bike) went flat etc etc. Finally, they took their bikes to the kind people at the United Cycle booth (bless their hearts), and they fixed them right up nice.
Here Lance is none too impressed with the bike situation...
Now fast forward to race day. Setting up transition in the morning:
Starting the swim (again, brrr....) :
So anyhoo, here we are in transition after the bike (heading off on the run). I'm just taking my sweet time stuffing my shorts with kleenex (as any serious triathlete would do of course...)
Can you see us? We're starting our second loop of the run!
Aaaaaand, we're done:
Here are the boys and I (and we didn't even plan the coordinating outfits!) :
Here are the 'rents and us (minus my Papa) :
My Mama and I:
And the classic shot showing off our numbers (which still, a week later, haven't worn off) :
All in all it was a fun day, even though I was ill-prepared for this year's affair and added 5 minutes onto my time. WHOOPS. And poor Lowell was dragged down with me as his only goal for this particular race was to finish with me (aw, how sweet). Otherwise he woulda placed for sure! Next year, Lowell. Next year...
PS- The only part of my body that was really sore following the race was the ginormous charlie horse that LOWELL gave my thigh with his bike during transition (right before the run). We have proof on video. Really!