1. Fraselbutt gave me my first 6-hour stretch of sleep on his 6-week birthday! There hasn't been a repeat, but oh what a glorious night it was. Our little beef patty is now 7 weeks old and weighs in at 12lbs 5.6oz!

2. Fraser's passport has arrived! He now has a passport, birth certificate, SIN number, Blue Cross, Alberta Health Care and RESP. Now all he needs is a job.
3. The hair clip. I do this
not to give my son a complex… I do this because I

And he wasn’t quite sure HOW he felt about it…

4. I love when he sleeps with his hand straight up. He must just be FULL of questions in his sleep...

5. Fraser and his betrothed: little miss Hope!

6. Apparently I’m not the only member of this family with a Nutella problem. Julie Anne & Ryan gave us some as a baby gift, and I was very proud of myself for not eating it even though it sat on the register in our bedroom (not sure why I never put it in the kitchen by the way). I swear that it was full just the other day, but yesterday morning I did a double take when I saw clear through the container. Say WHAT? It was
gone! Initially, I second guessed my sanity and thought I was perhaps eating it in my sleep, but nope… it was Lowell. And he used his FINGERS. How barbaric. At least
I was classy enough to use a SPOON. It's a good thing he’s not doing P90X anymore because I guarantee you that Nutella by the tub is not part of the food plan.

7. We can hardly wait for Fraselnut to crack that first
real smile. I think he’s ready and he
wants to but he’s holding back because he knows that the second we witness a genuine smile, the camera will be a permanent fixture directly in front of his adorable little face.

8. Lowell turned THIRTY on the 13th! His birthday celebration was lovely and included a little scavenger hunt. As part of the hunt, we went to the dog run. During the walk, Kumeu had already made it to the top of a hill when he turned and saw that we were still at the bottom taking a self-portrait. He started BARRELING down the steep hill heading
directly for us. Thoughts flashed through my mind such as "what's he doing?";"surely he won't ram right into us"; "he's going
fast!" And before I knew it, he took my legs right out from under me, and I went flying. What I wouldn't give to have had that moment on video (or to watch it happen to someone else). Well, clearly he wanted to be included in the shot, so we took another picture.

Also, when one includes a dog run as part of a scavenger hunt, does one have a choice but to put the next clue in a poop bin? tee hee hee :)

9. Randoms...

Good grief he's cute. As are you all.
He is just so sweet. Can't get enough of that little Fraselberry!
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