say I continue 'the list' because it works well. Really, it's because I still don't have my brain back. Here goes!
1. For Halloween, Fraser was a surgeon, and Lowell, Kumeu and I were his sad, hurt, and very trusting patients.

We thought it was a good opportunity to take some cutesie shots of Baby M.D with Grandpa M.D...

2. So much fun to be had with Auntie Shareen (who made that
adorable hat!)...

3. Little tip from
this new mom to other new moms. Don’t try on your pre-pregnancy clothes prematurely. I tried on my “fat pants” (which I wore upon our 15-lb heavier return from Australia), and
re still too tight. Depressing.
4. This boy is growing and changing so fast we can hardly keep up with him! As of his 5-week birthday, he weighed 11lbs 2.5oz. He's chubbin out! He's outgrown his sink-baths and graduated to BIG boy baths!

5. Evolution of Fraser's 5-wk old pout/cry which melts my heart and gives me the giggles at the same time...

6. He’s finally taking a soother. SUCCESS (pun intended). Professionally, I’m apparently anti-soother, but personally… totally pro-soother.

7. First snowfall of the year meant first winter driving experience with Fraser. While driving over a bridge, the truck in the lane beside me spun out directly in
front of me, narrowly missed me, and smashed into the guardrail. I pulled over, said a little prayer of thanksgiving that we
weren't hit, called Chels in tears, then shook it off and we were good to go. The driver of the truck was fine too, by the way (although his truck had seen better days).
8. I think it comes as no surprise to anyone that this onesie was a gift from Uncle Lando & Auntie Marti...

"Can you smell my exhaust?" Yes, yes we can, Fraser dear.
9. The Baby Bjorn. We've heard very mixed reviews about this carrier. It kills
my back, but Lowell doesn't seem mind it. It'll be Lowell's carrier, and I'm now in the market for something else...

10. I swear this kid loves me (or at
least my milk makers)... he just doesn't quite know how to show it on his face yet.

11. Frasie Frase is awfully strong. Here he is doing daily tummy time with Daddy...

12. I have now implemented the 'hair-elastic-on-arm' technique to keep track of which side I'm nursing on. Unfortunately, the system sort of breaks down when I forget to transfer the elastic.
Over and out!
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I especially love the halloween costumes, shareen's toque and the 'exhaust' onesie. awesome!
yes, all very lovely and so sweet to remember how it was to have our first born. anyways, just wanted to recommend the baby ergo carrier. i really like/liked it, there are a couple of different styles but the basic one is great for the front and later to carry on the back.
Aww...too cute! Well the family picture at Halloween was a little scary, but so much fun, you guys looked really beat up. I'm glad you're having so much fun with your little man. It's fun to see him through every stage. Keep it comin'!
YES! Your black eye looks so authentic (too bad I couldn't give you a dimple to match mine)!
Also, I miss that Fraselnugget of yours already...can you bring him to visit his Tante please?
She promises lots of presents.
I will second the recommendation of the ergo carrier! I love it! It's too small for my fiance to wear, but I think the fit is perfect for women.
Dude! I'm dropping to 80% and I'm sewing you a mei tai!
I really really really want to. I'll try and get on it as soon as I can - but have to get fabric first!!
I am also going to recommend the Ergo. We have tried a Cuddlywrap, ring sling, Baby bjorn and the ergo is by far the most comfortable and you can put it on yourself with ease after a few practices!! It's worth the investment!
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