On October 8th, Julie Anne (Lowell's li'l sis) and Ryan tied the knot! My parents joined us for the trek, and we stayed at a motel with little Fraser while Lowell (groomsman!) spent the night at his brother's place with the groomie. The small town motel that we stayed at (which shall remain nameless) was a dump of sorts. Our brother-in-law informed us that we were the first non rig pigs to stay there...
ever. And I believe it. Our "non-smoking" rooms reeked of smoke, there were cigarette burns in the sheets (classy), and we couldn't get the heat to work. Fraser's first "motel experience" was more like his first "winter camping experience", but ah well. It had a bathroom and beds (which we removed the quilts from for fear of bed bugs), and we ended up having a blast with it and bonding with our endearing little dirt hole...

It provided the refuge that an infant and the mother of an infant needed, and the view wasn't half bad either...

On Saturday morning, I got Fraser all ready for his first big role in life... being a ring bearer! Fraser's seven girl cousins were the flower girls, and being the only grandson, he got to be the ring bearer.

Lowell's 6-year old niece, Carmen, pulled Fraser down the aisle in an antique wagon. I'd be lying if I said that I did
not watch extremely nervously with tears in my eyes... but Carmen did such a fantastic job and it was soooo cute.

The niecies in their adorable puffy dresses were quite enthralled with their new little boy cousin, and missed most of the ceremony...

A 10-day old ring bearer... that sucker's going on Fraser's resume!
Fraselboy's Daddio was also quite involved in the day. He was honoured to stand up as a groomsman, he created the bang-up slideshow, and he was one of the talented performers in the hilarious skit that his Dad wrote.
Now on with the actual purpose of the day... JULIE ANNE & RYAN'S WEDDING!! Our good friends at
[6:8] Photography were the official photographers, and they didn't disappoint. They got several absolutely stunning images of the beautiful couple! I also included some shots by my papa...

While [6:8] Photography was busy taking pictures of the happy couple, Ryan's sister-in-law Christine snapped some shots of the rest of the crew. Luckily for the wedding party, she just happens to be a very talented photographer (
Uncontained Photography)!

As Lowell was looking all suave and popular with the ladies, the bridesmaids joked that it was too bad that they were all his cousins. Lowell's comeback was "the
internet doesn't know that." Oops... sorry Lowell. I think I just spilled the beans.

Between the photo booth that Lowell and his bro-in-law set up, my Dad, and [6:8], we got a few little family shots in...

Fraser received many cuddles at the wedding! Here are Lowell's beautiful sisters Janelle & Lori with our tuxedoed little Fraselnut...

We also took the opportunity to get a four-generation picture! As we've mentioned before, Fraser is the first T grandson in the entire extended family, so this is the first picture of four generations of T boys to be taken!

Congratulations Julie & Ryan... the whole day was amazing. Our little family was honoured to be included, and we're sooooo thrilled for you guys!
If you ever need a place to stay in Carstairs again give me a call. I promise we have heat and no bed bugs :)
First of all, wow, what a privilege to be the topic of one of your blogs. Secondly, I can't believe you stayed at that nasty hotel in Cremona...you're brave!
Thirdly, thank-you for letting us have your infant son in our wedding, he made the cutest ring-bearer ever!
It was a fun day, so glad to have such wonderful friends and family to celebrate with!
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