1. Sleep. I recall stating that I was THRILLED that Fraser was getting up 3-4 times per night. Well, I suppose that was great compared to getting up seven times a night, but I'm not so delighted with that any more.... I'd now prefer 1-2 times if anyone up there is up for granting such requests! I AM happy to report, however, that the paper route curse (i.e., waking up by 6 each morning) is currently not in effect thank HEAVENS. Apparently sheer exhaustion trumps the paper route curse! The negative side to that is that I miss my mornings with Lowell. He takes off by 7:45am, and Frase and I usually roll out of bed around 8am. The other morning I THOUGHT I was awake when he got up, and I clearly remembered him lovingly wrapping me in dough (from the bread maker... obviously) before leaving. I also remember fake sleeping so he could complete this romantic act. It was only when I ACTUALLY woke up that I realized it was just a dream (as I was not covered in dough... duh). What does that even MEAN?!

3. Our boy is GROWING! he now weighs 10lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long. The only way I can tell he grew (besides actually weighing him) is that he is now filling out the 0-3 month sleepers that hung off of him at the hospital. If anyone out there is looking to put on some poundage, I'd be more than willing to bottle up some of this miracle milk and send it your way! By the way, I have not yet tried it myself (which is amazing to me because believe you me I WILL be trying it at some point). KUMUEU has, but I haven't. Allow me to explain... Fraser spit up, I caught it in my hand and didn't have anything to wipe it on, and Kums just HAPPENED to be sauntering by (this has happened more than once. I should probably have clothes/towels/tissues on me more).

5. Kumeu has always been a cuddler, but now he's even more of a cuddler. While I'm nursing Fraser, he crawls up on the couch beside me and rests his head on my lap. Or if Lowell is home, he'll jump on his lap and snuggle up. Don't worry- we've been giving him lots of love. I try to make it to the dog park nearly every day, and he's regularly smothered with hugs and kisses.

7. When Fraser was 10 days old, he was the ring bearer in Julie Anne & Ryan's wedding! More on that to come, but I recently put him in his tuxedo outfit again, so I'll whet your appetite with that...

10. Shareen and Maggie (her puppy daughter) just got here and there are many more family snuggles to come!!