Okay, so I was mistaken about Hazelnut’s weight at 33 weeks. Apparently the 5.8lbs is the upper limit for the ENTIRE 8th month! Since we’re now only halfway through month 8, I’m backtracking a bit and claiming that Hazelnut is in the realm of 4 ¼ lbs... and nearly 18 inches long. Apparently the dear child is now listening to, recognizing, and reacting to simple songs (sung by none other than MOI), and he’s PEEING a pint a day. Yum.
1. BELLY HENNA! When Kylie was pregnant with Ty, a friend of hers created a henna design on her belly. I was inspired, so Lowell and I arranged for a local henna lady to pay us a little visit. Lowell selected the design, and
Rhianna got to work.

All done! Isn't it bee-oootiful?

And now to add SPARKLES. Just for funsies...

The paste then needed time to dry before peeling and revealing the actual stain, and Rhianna insisted that direct sunlight was the best way to dry it. WELL OKAY! If the henna lady says! Throw in an ice cold bevvy and a bagel slathered with Nutella, and you have yourself an ideal situation...

I'll show you the real deal (sans paste/sparkles) when I myself am in possession of pictures! THANKS RHIANNA!
2. It is VERY rare that Lowell keeps the toilet seat up (as in,
never), but when he DOES, of course it's the times that I saunter to the bathroom with my eyes closed (in an attempt to remain as sleepy as possible) in the middle of the night that he DOESN'T. It's never a good feeling falling into a toilet at 3am.
3. We had professional maternity shots done this week! It was a blast hanging with Jen of
La Di Da Lane Photography, and we look forward to seeing ALL the final products in a few weeks. These, however, are little teasers...

You may recall how I inhaled an entire tub of Nutella in a 24-hour period early on in the pregnancy (before I even
knew I was pregnant, in fact)... hence the name 'Hazelnut'. Well, that was the inspiration behind
this little number...

Lowell is really good at looking HOT. What a hunka chunka burnin love...

4. Frequent peeing? Check. Fatigue? Check. Swollen ankles? Check. Extreme shortness of breath? Check. Constipation and/or hemorrhoids? HEAVENS NO (and do you really think I’d
tell you if I
was experiencing those things?! (
5. I rapidly swing back and forth between being soooo impatient to meet this little one and feeling a tad overwhelmed and like “Holy crappamoli this is real…and
But we can hack it. After all, it’s just one kid… it’s not like there will be TEN babies vying for my milk supply...

6. The belly on my shirts are often a little dirty and worn looking as I'm constantly rubbing my belly and trying to figure out what part of the baby is poking out and/or sloshing around. I wish this kid would orient me!
7. I’m at the point where I prefer to not wear pants. Couple that with the fact that we live on a busy street AND it’s hot out so we keep the blinds/windows open in the evenings… and you can bet there are some curious passer-byers.
8. Six weeks to go! EEEEEEE!
your baby is the size of my uterus! yay! and don't feel bad...i gave up pants a month ago ;) SO excited for you two and LOVE LOVE LOVE the updates on your journey!
Shelley's thoughts:
1) i LOVE the preggo shots
2) i LOVE the henna art
3) i LOVE puppies
4) i LOVE you guys!
5) i LOVE that you'll soon be parents and i can't wait to see the little tyke.
Also....the word verification word is a good baby name. Imagine 'Suggloto Taylor"
ERm... I adore this post. <3
That's all I have, lest I gush and overdo it!
Almost there :) Good job. Glad you guys are well and looking so happy and healthy
Holy! You guys look like models! Wow! I also LOVE the henna, very cool. Can't wait to see more photos, and more of you guys in general!
Yolanda- I to ditched pants in the end-feel free to feel totally justified! Also henna looks owie but really neat. You look like you have a little basketball in your belly(thats a compliment;) )
Your henna looks great!! I really like it. Did it dry well? I also wanted to tell you that Ty loves the video of him and Lowell posted below. We have watched it MANY MANY times!!
love the maternity photos. So cute! Miss ya:)
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