Mom & Dad FINALLY recorded my one-year trick reel. I didn’t do ALL my tricks- mostly just the more recent ones. Cuz trust me folks, I know a LOT of commands...
Kumeu 1 Year Trick Reel from Lowell & Julie on Vimeo.
Ummm… Mom & Dad? What’s with the crazy voice-dubbing? Is it because of the deafening Lethbridge wind? Thought so.I starred in my first trick reel when I was a mere 12 weeks old. Oh goodness, looking back at myself I can hardly believe how ADORABLE I was!
Kumeus 12 week trick reel from Lowell & Julie on Vimeo.
My second trick reel was filmed when I was 6 months old. I was still pretty cute if I do say so myself!Kumeu Trick Reel - age: 6 months from Lowell & Julie on Vimeo.
Also, my parents have been pretty obsessed with taking pictures of me over the past year. They really love me a lot, you know.

Summer's nearly here, and maybe I'll finally get to take swimming lessons and learn some crazy water tricks. Perhaps some of my doggie friends will create a little doggie synchronized swimming league with me? (Watson? Maggie? Mo? Jazz? Niko? Rotax? Bagel? Any takers??)
Thank you for reading my second ever blog post. Maybe Mom & Dad will let me hijack their blog again someday... there's been a little too much fetus and not enough ME on here lately!
And he is SUCH a talented little pooch!
Very impressive! What tricks have you taught them Kumeu
thats an amazing demonstration! the music and overdubbing make it seem like a disney movie. now i expect kumeu to solve crime.
very cute and adorable.
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