NOW are you showing? I dare say YES! I’ve been attributing any extra bump to bloating etc etc but it’s undeniable. It’s a wee bump, but it IS a bump, and it’s present even when I’m NOT bloated (which-- truth be told-- isn’t very often). As Lowell would say, “You’re not bloated. It’s not gas pains. You’re PREGNANT! There’s a LEMON in your UTERUS for crying out loud!” (I may have done a little bit of ad-libbing there). In fact, I think it’s time to start including profile shots. Good-bye abs!
Any cravings? I’m loving cinnamon raisin toast (with BUTTER), grilled cheese sandwiches (again, BUTTER), green grapes, oranges, and popsicles. I also admit that there have been a FEW stops at Booster Juice. I’m pretty sure it’s the pregnant population that keeps BJ in business during the cold winter months. I’m also loving chocolate but trying OH SO HARD (and not so successfully) to control myself.
How are you feeling? Still low blood pressure (i.e., dizziness) and a little nausea/aversion stuff, but I really think the second trimester energy boost is starting to kick in (thank heavens). Now I can go back down to ONE nap per day (I WISH I was kidding).
How's my maternity clothing situation looking? Well, a little grim. Am I accepting donations? Why yes I am- how sweet of you to inquire! If you have XS or S maternity clothes that you'd like to temporarily donate to my pregnant cause... CONTACT ME (but no pressure). I've already purchased a few items (and frequented the thrift store!). There is so much more out there that I'd LOVE to invest in for myself (maternity clothes these days are CUTE), but I just can't justify it for less than 6 months (well, more LOWELL can't justify it for 6 months. I'm a girl... I can justify pretty much anything.)
HAhaha ... re clothes ... partial justification for at least classic pieces is that you're planning on being pregnant again! That at the very least doubles the use! :)
Enjoy trimester II .... you will need less naps ... for a little while anyway!! :)
How CUTE are you?!!
Really love the lemon face. You really nailed that one. As for clothing justification don't forget that you have a twin sister that also may get pregnant some day and require you maternity wardrobe. The more you buy, the more practical for everyone.
You are looking so cute Julie!
You are looking fabulous friend. As far as the wardrobe situation, I think you are lucky to be pregnant during this era in fashion. Long tops, empire waists and leggings are all the rage so why bother getting maternity clothes? And that way you can wear them after baby too!
Kendra D
See Carlynne, now that is why I love you! You're an even BETTER justifier than me (now excuse me while I go shopping...)!! :)
Kenny...good point! Would I look just as stylish if I wore Lowell's clothes? Cuz that would also be easy and cheap:)
Go get some cute maternity clothes! Etsy has some cute ones too!!!! You will feel so much better in the last few months if you have cute clothes!!!! You look fabulous!!
I agree, super cute lemon face! I wore marc's coat when I was 9 months pregnant because none of mine fit and I couldn't justify a new one but I felt super frumpy. You however could never look frumpy!!
HELLO CHEEKBONES! I am very impressed with your makeup skills in these here pic-a-tures. Plus, you always look lovely.
And Carlynne, if you're justifying her buying more clothes just because you want free clothes later...that's mean. Maybe you guys should shop together now for a good maternity wardrobe you can pass back and forth? God knows I won't be part of the sharing. Maybe you can use one of my regular bras as a nursing bra. Ora a baby sling.
Thanks Jill- good advice!
Kylie, I would look ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS in Lowell's coat- there's no doubt about THAT!
ME?! Never look FRUMPY??! I think I'm the frump queen of the family, my dear!
Shareen. Your comment made my beverage come out of my nose! I'm sure I could never have too many baby slings, so send your less-used bras on over! hehe:)
PS Shareen- I think anyone who makes a crazy sour lemon squeezy face would have cheekbones like that! But thanks for the make-up compliment... that's HIGH PRAISE coming from YOU!! :)
Did I mention that our little Taylor was born on September 18th. I think it is fitting that yours comes on their due date :)
Jill- that is VERY cool! Sooooo fitting! Now all I have to do is try to give birth on my actual due date!
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