What's the due date? Sept 18, 2011!
How have I been feeling? it changes daily! Some days I feel a little nauseous (although I haven't thrown up at all), some days I feel dizzy, other days I have random food aversions and water tastes metallic, and still others I'm mostly fine. Overall I've been pretty exhausted, but I think I've had it good compared to my super pukey pregnant friends!
Any cravings? FRUIT. Cold, fresh fruit. And yogurt, cottage cheese, and smoothies. COLD AND REFRESHING (even though it's been -25 to -45 here). I'm also very suggestible. If someone mentions (on the phone) that they're eating something, I MUST have it (for example, yogurt with granola, grilled cheese sandwiches or popsicles).
Have we heard the heartbeat yet? YES!! AMAZING!! We even had an early ultrasound in order to confirm dates... also amazing!
How many babies are in there anyway? Just one! I'd LOVE to have twins one day, and as I'm a female fraternal twin myself (the highest genetic link!), it's actually quite likely that I could birth twins... someday!
Endearing name for fetus: Hazelnut. Why? Because I was pregnant (although didn't know it) when I polished off an entire tub of Nutella in a 24-hour period. If the baby comes out looking African-American, it's purely a result of the chocolate spread... honest. Lowell IS the father!!
Will we find out the sex? UP FOR DEBATE! Lowell wants to; I'm not so sure. I've pictured myself as a mom for as long as I can remember, and I've always presumed that the gender would remain a surprise. But... I'm open to discussion.
Am I showing? Not yet (at least not that YOU can see). But I definitely feel those muscles loosening up as it's harder for me to hold my tummy in (although whether that be a result of excess food/limited exercise in Vancouver or baby is somewhat of a question mark).
Will I be posting baby bump pictures? YES!! I LOVE it when women post baby bump pictures, so I feel it is my duty to give back to the baby bump picture community. Unless I gain 400 lbs in the next two weeks, you can count on baby bump pictures from me... likely in excess.
Little Hazelnut's size: I'm 12 weeks along which makes the fetus the size of a small lime. We've been comparing Hazelnut's size to fruits and veggies. Have a look-see...

i forgot how pretty you are....
anyways, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! i usually hate the baby bump pictures. probably some sort of jealous thing combined with the fact that i look like i've got a medium pumpkin belly without a baby in it....but the point is I LOVE YOUR fruit and nut and eventual baby bump pictures/story!
Julie - Congrats! That is really exciting!!
There is another blog that is also doing the weekly pictures with fruit...
i hope you continue to feel good!
Yay!!!!! Congrats!!!!!! That is so exciting!!!!! I love the pics already! Thanks for sharing! Fan freakin' tastic!
Randy & Jill
Congratulations! :)
After seeing your baby count down to the second...Landon wants to know if you think it might be a little early to have a C section sheduled?
Glad your blog is out, as I was confronted by someone outside the immediate family today, who told me you were pregnant! I tried to look stunned and like I did not know anything while I asked....Where did you hear this?
So happy for you both!!! I take it we can tell our friends now? Been praying for the little one! Hope you will still have a smile when you post the watermelon picture!
Grandpa Taylor, For Judy to, who is in Van.
SO AWESOME!!! Hugest congratulations to you both! Wahoo!!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!! We can't wait!!
My word verification was Belma - I think that should join the shortlist for names. ;)
congratulations!! you (and lowell) are so cute, i love all the pics and look forward to i know what will be many,many more. you guys are going to be great parents (so fun) and Kumeu will be such a good "baby sitter". reading how you feel reminds me of my first pregnancy... like to the T. mmm popsicles and icy cold fruit smoothies were my favorite! enjoy this time together!
Congrats Julie! Very exciting and what a great day to be born;)
Can't wait to meet little "Belma".
my word verification was 'conab' which could be a boy's name. ha
Hey Lowell and Julie!! What exciting news:) We are thrilled for you both and your families...:) We also look forward to following along with the baby's growth and development as he/she grows! God's blessings on a healthy and very enjoyable pregnancy - I LOVED being pregnant:) Lots of love from Alisa and Rob and the rest of the Greidanus Tribe!!
Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blog and now it will even be more exciting!
Congrats!!!! Enjoy every minute of this journey ... it's amazing!!!
Educational post you guys! Well done.
Yes, our neighbourhood, including Dad and I, is sure
sure going to enjoy this pregnancy and new little life. Linda and Lenna are already imagining you walking down the sidewalk with your little one between you holding your hands.
We laughed out loud at Grandpa Taylor's watermelon comment :)
Love and Prayers for the three of you!
Love Grandpa and Nana
congratulations! so happy for you!
So so so SO excited!!
Also, you are gorgeous.
Just sayin'
Thrilled for you, friend, and NO!!!! Don't find out before :)
I LOVE BEING AN AUNTIE. I think I have shown everyone I know your adorable pictures. Very excited to see the progression!
Lots of love.
Congratulations to both of you!! You are so adorable... you are going to be a beautiful pregnant woman... and from what I can excellent momma!
AH!! SO excited for you both! Hope you don't feel too tired! I love the pictures of the fruit... very educational!
hurray!! Thanks for the late night skype Lowell! We are so excited for you both! Oh, a tip for the metallic water- add a lemon slice (this helped me keep hydrated when I was puking everything). Putting lemon in water is like the only suggestion I received that worked for me; maybe it will help that metal water for you too!
Love the fruit and veggie pictures ... Really neat idea! I can't help but picture you in the third trimester with your cute round belly holding a watermelon ... Can't wait to see this one :) You are looking so good!
Glad to hear the you are feeling well and love your cravings. I became a major fruit and veggie addict during pregnancy ... Which I thought was such a blessing ... Much, much better than chocolate!
And your debate about finding out the sex is such a deja vu -- Jason wanted to, I wasn't so sure ... We ended up finding out and I must say, even when our little girl was born, I was shocked and surprised. I think that I kept telling myself that the doctor must be wrong and almost expected a boy ... Weird! ... I called our little Ju-Jube a she but I kept saying that I would probably have to apologize when the little one came out a boy! Needless to say, the ultrasound was right but I was never convinced. As everyone around me was buying girl clothes, I kept reminding them that ultrasounds aren't always right ... I'm glad ours was because I started to become very attached to all the cute girl clothes people bought prior to Olivia's birth!
Anyway, sorry about the crazy long side note! I am sooooooo excited for you guys and can't wait to watch you as you begin this journey! Keep enjoying it!! It really is sooooo much fun! Pregnancy, motherhood ... It all makes you so amazed at our God and the many ways he choses to bless us (even through the difficult moments)!
...Much love and prayers for your growing family...
Congratulations Lowell and Julie!
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