Today is my first birthday! Mom and Dad had a special supper for me complete with cupcakes and presents. I did NOT appreciate wearing the hat, but they bribed me with cake. I love cake.
(The tea cup holders were from Mama & Papa Gw in New Zealand!)

That was delightful, but it certainly wasn't ALL my parents had up their sleeves. On Saturday, they had a birthday party for me! They rented part of a doggie daycare (K-9 Day Resort) for an hour, and invited my birth parents, cousins and my best friends Maggie, Mo, & Jasmine (only my friends could come).
It all started with the invitations. My Mom made them and mailed them out (she's kind of a loser that way). My cousins Watson, Niko, & Maggie were particularly bummed that they couldn't make it...

Cousin Rotax WOULD have come, but he wasn't able to catch the bus on time.
Let's get to the party!

Mom and Dad made a cake that was meant to look like me (better luck next time, Mom & Dad). They even added poop (chocolate macaroons) under the bum. What do they think I am? An ANIMAL?! But at least the lemony/coconutty cake was delicious... the tiny little morsel that I tasted, anyway...

Too bad it was just for the adults (er, humans). It wasn't a total loss though. Us doggies got to share this mouth-wateringly scrumptious homemade tuna cake...

Mom tried to make me wear a hat, but I refused to keep it on.

I noticed that my friends didn't mind wearing their hats at all. Weirdos...

I found it a little challenging to blow out the candles. (Boy do humans ever have weird traditions).

I had lots of fun with my friends. At first Mo was a little shy, and stayed back while the rest of us eagerly awaited treats...

But before long, he joined the fun and became REALLY good friends with Jasmine (poor innocent, violated Jazz)...

We were having so much fun that the huge 4-month old puppy next door wanted to join us...

Jasmine's baby brother Alex came along for the fun. I guess I should get used to having a baby around... Mommy's tummy keeps getting bigger!

We had a grand ol time playing, running, and eating. Mom and Dad brought decorations (again, my parents are super cool), but the people at K-9 Day Resort had already set some up!

I was sad to say good-bye to my friends, but they were happy to go home with their treat bags!

Mom thought that they looked and smelled disgusting, but they made MY mouth fill with saliva!
I've been an excellent dog for my parents over this past year and they love me soooo much. No wonder, really, given how intelligent, loyal, adorable, and snuggly I am. I'm trying to get them to record a one-year trick reel soon so you can see all of my impressive tricks!
Happy Birthday to ME!