The ceremony was on the deck, overlooking the lush wooded area. About 80 guests witnessed a beautiful wedding ceremony that fit Zak & Ave to a tee.
There are stairs hidden in all the tree-ery which the girls made their fabulous entrance from (and the boys entered from the same thing on the opposite side) :

The rain held off for the ceremony, but came pouring down between the wedding and reception. This weather did not deter us from taking a walk around the beautiful Strawberry Creek, or our desire to set off Daniel’s rocket, however. We launched the rocket….and lost it. Some farmer will likely find it, and hopefully have his own launch pad so he can get full use out of his lucky discovery.

The rocket is set up:

And ready to blast off...

But it didn't go the first time! Our impatience got the best of us, so we snipped the cord of the rocket's ignitor and held it against the car battery:

The take-off scared the becheezies out of us, and the rocket vanished. The boys unsuccessfully searched a muddy field looking for the rocket:

And ready to blast off...

But it didn't go the first time! Our impatience got the best of us, so we snipped the cord of the rocket's ignitor and held it against the car battery:

The take-off scared the becheezies out of us, and the rocket vanished. The boys unsuccessfully searched a muddy field looking for the rocket:

The reception began at 2pm and consisted of delicious food and very thoughtful and well-articulated speeches. I was truly impressed by every individual that spoke/presented. There were no painful or awkward moments at all (which is a tad rare for weddings- but a real delight!)
Kevan & Duane were the wedding photographers and did a fabulous job (as usual). We got to see a preview of the wedding pictures, but now they are on Kev & Duane’s blog. Here are the boys hard at work:

Are the fun times now over? NOPE! Kev, Leah, Duane, and Karyn came over for a sleepover! We took advantage of the calm weather and went for a 2 hour romp through the lush River Valley. We then came home, ate, chatted/laughed, watched some You Tube videos (of course), then headed to bed. I didn’t even touch our camera because when there are photographers extraordinaire in my presence, I let them take care of the documentation. So, here are the pictures of our walk provided by the ever-talented K&D!

1 comment :
rockets? cooool!
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