I have not yet secured myself employment, but it is in the works. I am officially a member of the NZSTA (New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists' Association), so employment shall follow before too long (I hope). Lowell’s plan is to continue his Masters (it’s a distance program, so it’s all good), and perhaps get a job for just a couple days a week so I don’t have to work full time (who wants to work full time in NZ?!?!??!)
We (well, I) will wear things like this at places like this:

For SURE we will do lots of this:

Hopefully we'll get some of this in:

Or maybe even this:

We can hardly wait :)
Cool. Looking forward to the stories and photos. Unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to visit you there...
Wow!!! What an adventure it will be!
Exciting news! (Random NZ commenter here...) What city are you two planning to live in?
be careful where you surf and hang with the locals when you do!
and would the two of you be interested in some company near christmas this year???
kendra (&brad)
Congrats you two! That is incredible! I have only heard amazing things from people who have lived in New Zealand. :)
I lived in new zealand for a while. You will LOVE IT!! in fact, i should warn you...you will love it so much that you will never ever want to come home! The ice cream and chocolate there are amazing, you gotta shear a sheep and you have to bungee jump. these are rules there, i don't make 'em up.
We are excited to come and visit. I am not sure I want to do all those things in one day, maybe a period of two days might be a bit more reasonable.
That sounds sooo exciting! I can't wait to see all the pictures with the camera we know nothing about!
Amy- We're thinking we'll likely end up in Auckland area b/c there are more job opportunities there (PS- I love random NZ commenters!)
Kendra- We'd LOVE to have you visit. Lowell's sister, cousin, and possibly parents are hoping to come around Christmas as well!
Shelley- I will do all of those things. And I'm thinking we might be tempted to stay as well...if it weren't for our family/friends that we're too darn attached to! Oh, and check your email soon!!
M&K- It'll be awesome when you guys join us, and don't worry, we certainly will NOT be doing all those things on the same day. It's just so stinkin cool that you CAN if you were so inclined.
Jill- mwahahahaha. When we get together, we'll pass along all of our camera secrets!!
Over and out.
How exciting that your trip is booked! What kind of work would you prefer Lowell- farm work or media- or maybe you have other ideas?!
Love Mum 11
CONGRATS! Will you still be blogging from NZ? I have become kinda spoiled from reading your blogs. I love your blog so hopefully you will be blogging from NZ.
Take care and God Bless!!
Jealous. That's all.
Oh, and we'll miss you lots!
I'm still trying to convince the posse that a visit that way would be a good idea! :)
Another random NZ commenter here!
I was born an Aucklander but have become a Wellingtonian. Personally, I would say don't go to Auckland, head to Wellington. The people are really friendly, you can walk everywhere and it is just a fantastic city.
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