As a child/young adolescent, I wished...
1. ...I had cavities. A family friend had the cool silver caps and I wanted to be cool too. When we would have babysitters, I would pretend to brush my teeth by using just water on my toothbrush. Sneaky. Still, I have never had a cavity. I count myself lucky.
2. ...I had an indented chest and a slightly protruding belly. I had these wishes when I began to develop and was rather insecure about it. I remember thinking, ‘Oh, if only I had an indented chest and a slightly protruding belly. Everyone would think I was so cute!’ Again, I’m more than thrilled that this dream did not become reality. Turns out that when puberty is over and insecurities have vanished, one has a whole new perspective on chest/belly size.

3. ...I could hang out with 3 giant black guys. I thought I’d love feeling like a little white girl. The men I had in mind were Shaquille O’Neal, the guy from the Green Mile, and another one that I hadn’t specifically chosen.
Oh wait. I still have this wish…

I love that last guys voice... so sweet!
remember how you, ummmm, miscalculated on your eye exam to get those super cool glasses? so funny. and I never knew about the chest/belly thing. you sure are a cute one.
Oh Julie...your blog brings joy to my day. :)
Good gosh Shareen, I must have temporarily suppressed that childhood memory. Wooowee that deserves a post on its own!
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