Here, folks, are June's project 365 photos. Let me reiterate- it is my understanding that OFFICIAL Project 365 photos are meant to be high quality.... like,
every. day. And probably of a wider variety of things than one's children. This, however, is not
official but rather 'Julie's substandard version of Project 365' where most photos are taken with the much lesser quality but more accessible camera phone. Thank heavens for iPhones. And babies.
One of the several Fraser/Stefan shots taken to cheer Daddy on as he cycled 340 km (well, 400 km cuz he's a nut) to raise money for Southern Alberta Bible Camp. |
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Baby Elise Anne was born to Lowell's sis, Julie Anne, and her hubster Ryan... and we got to meet her on her actual day of birth! Woohoo! |
Fraser was quick to demonstrate his approval of our new (long overdue considering Lowell's old landlord's bare butt had been on our previous couch unbeknownst to me until verrrrry recently (wish I was kidding)) living room furniture. |
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We absolutely love when Lowell's parents stop by for a visit, and Stefan totally cashed in on the T grandparental snuggles on this occasion! |
Stefan was napping, so I set Fraser up with a snack in the front yard and mowed at lightening speed. Well, first I took this picture, and shortly after snapping the shot, a man approached me as he assumed the photo was for selling purposes and he was interested. Hahaha... NOPE. Sorry sir. |
Uh, this was something delicious. I wanna say blueberries? Or a grape popsicle? Perhaps paint? |
Stefan meets the fabulous Auntie Erin! |
Oh that smirk. Gets me every time. |
Double chinsies! |
My copycat child was imitating my face for a dog run selfie. What a goob (him, not me. I'm totally normal. Obviously)! |
I totes didn't take any of these pictures, but I surely did create the collage. Hey, credit where credit is due I say! Anyhoo, twin cousin #2 (Finola Rose) was born to Dan and Carlynne! Woot!! |
Fraser and Kumeu: best greeters ever. |
My sweet gal pals threw a surprise baby shower for us! Tiffany (pictured with me in the bottom left picture) was the wonderful instigator of the event. And also, if I ever have daughters, I would want them to be clones of Tiff's daughters Georgia & Paisley (pictured with me in the bottom right photo)... absolute angels I tell you. |
Stories with Auntie Chels & Nico! |
Lowell spent some quality time with his main men on Father's Day. How lucky those boys are to have the Dad that they do!! |
Fraser enjoys taunting Kumeu with the ball. And then he says, "Ready. Set. THROW!" and attempts to throw but the ball stays in the Chuck-it. Over and over. Hehehe. |
Doesn't EVERYONE enjoy waking up to trucks rolling up and down their body?! Fraser is apparently under the impression that that is indeed the case. |
Lowell is sauntering across our river, er, street. We had a wee bit of a rain/hail storm. |
Word on the street was that the waters in the river valley would rise to 1995 flood levels (which was, like, REALLY high), so we went to check it out. It was fairly underwhelming as it was nowhere near '95 levels, but that, my friends, was not a bad thing. Less flooding = good. |
This is Uncle Brian & Auntie Candy. We love them. Like, a lot. They're like real family to us, and how lucky are WE to have amazing real AND pretend family for our kiddies to grow up knowing??!!?! |
Ah the bubble goatee. I know it well. |
Oh my. That smile. That face. That boy... he's MINE! |
Fraser + Nico = BFFs. For life (well, if we have anything to say about it anyway). |
My heavens can kids produce gales of laughter in a BOX. Cheapest entertainment ever... for them AND us. Fraser and Clara (3) got along famously! |
"Mommy made me a summer sleep sac and I like it!" |
Cousin Ty videos online are a magical (bribery-type) thing. They make hair cutting sooooo easy for this mama! |
At the doctor's office awaiting confirmation on chicken pox and/or hand, foot & mouth disease. Fraser still had smiles, and Stefan never got it so PHEWF! |
Lowell was the best man for his cousin's westerny wedding (which I had to miss due to the above mentioned chicken pox and/or hand, foot & mouth disease), and I challenged him to send me photographs in the most hick-like poses he could muster. He rose to the challenge in a big way. |
My mom found these to-go cups at the dollar store- four for a dollar. I just love being on the (frequent) receiving end of the homemade latte deliveries in those beauties! |
June. Done. July is nearly over now too, so I suppose I should get my act together with those pictures so I can post them before 2014. We'll see...
1 comment :
I love the suds beard! I remember doing that. Also, I am jealous of the lattes in the latte cups. Mom is such a sweety:)
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