Week 29, and wee Kiwi is in and around 15 inches long. As for that expression on my face- don't think for a second that I'm faking it. I am in genuine pain holding all 50 lbs of that ridiculous weight. My intense effort is evidenced by the veins popping out of my hand, and if there was an audio track accompanying this photo, you would hear through my gritted teeth between groans and gasps for air, "LOWELL! Did you take the flingin flangin picture? HURRY UP ALREADY! I'm DYING here!" (not at all overdramatic).
Let's chat about Kiwi for a sec. And cranberry ice (which is basically frozen juice- a yummy recipe courtesy of Nathania). This babe looooooves cranberry ice. Or perhaps hates it? Whatever the case, it never fails to get a reaction from him/her. Front flips, back flips, kick boxing, punching, jumping jacks... there may even be a soccer ball or two in there. I'm just saying... this cranberry ice stuff is magical. And THAT'S why I eat it seven times a day.
1. Last weekend, we accompanied Mandy & Graham to Waterton for some snowshoeing good times. Fraser loves Uncle G-Reim and Auntie Mandy, and we hit a beautiful day- snowy AND sunny!
2. On January first, I unofficially/informally began Project 365 (taking one picture a day for the entire year). I was a little hesitant to completely commit, so I decided that I'd only share the pictures if I had one for each day in January... which I do (yay me). I had initially hoped that each picture would be totally awesome (you know- good quality/artistic bla bla bla), but that much hasn't happened. Most of the photos are phone-captured moments of life. In particular- life with a Fraselnut. Et voila...
New Year's Day sunset gallivant with the poochies. |
A yogurt self-feed. |
Sunrise jaunt. |
Fraser with two of his favourite people: Auntie Chels & Nico (aka "Dago"). |
25 weeks pregnant and 4 inches off of full term size with Fraser.
A little frightened. |
Beautiful snow-free coulee... in JANUARY! |
G grandbabies! |
Just another drive to work (lovely). |
First time on the slide! |
First big snowfall of 2013
(and not impressed that mama didn't put mittens on him)! |
-Edit.jpg) |
Auntie Shareen makes the BEST hats! |
First time on skis! |
Chin ups with Daddy... a common occurrence in this household!
A sicky day at home cuddling with Mommy. |
Throwing the ball for puppy. |
Fraser loves books... even Mommy's old fashioned Christian romance novels. :) |
Sharing his books with Hope. |
BFFs on skis = adorbs. |
Much needed haircut #2. |
Fraser is such a big help at the grocery store...
especially when giant boxes of mini wheats are involved. |
Fraser watching our big tree getting a haircut. |
Puppy Kumeu = comfy lounge chair.
Gender reveal Skype chat with Dan & Carlynne.... PINK PINK PINK!!
(And PS. I'm jumping up and down with glee!) |
The hat's ALMOST as cute as the boy!
A little coulee romp with the kidlets.
Thank you, chinooks, for the beautiful January weather. |
Oh so apologetic for pooping in the tub. |
Waterton snowshoeing fun with Mandy & Graham. |
Believe you me, this kind of hanky panky will not fly when these two are teenagers! |
Ready to rip into the Ikea boxes and "help"! |
First beater licking experience (and definitely not the last)! |
Brand new comfy lounger for Fraser! |
Phewf! Did you make it this far? That was a lot of pictures... but hey. I'm already 1/12th done!
See y'all next week!
Interesting "photoing" through January! Keep up the good work! :)
What!!! We are having a girl!!!
Also, could fraiser be any cuter?:) Looks like you are making teh most the alberta winter:)
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