Sunday, December 02, 2012

week 20 - volleyball knee pad

We're halfway, folks! Unbelievable. And our wee star is about 6.5 inches long... approximately the width of my volleyball knee pad. That sucker was well used in my high school days. Volleyball was definitely my forte and I LOVED it. I give a lot of credit to my amazing coaches (that's you John, Candice, Chris & Linda!) as they really spoke my lingo and brought out the best in me. I totally regret not playing after high school. Actually, I totally regret not playing more IN high school. If I were to do it all again, I'd drop basketball in a heartbeat and play club volleyball. But I digress. Onto the babe!!

1. Ultrasounds. I had my third ultrasound for this pregnancy alone, and let me tell you: it does not get old. Surely the technicians are used to teary-eyed, blubbering mamas. Here "she" is in all her shining glory!

I don't know that's it's possible to see side view weiners in ultrasounds, but I THOUGHT that PERHAPS I POSSIBLY may have caught a GLIMPSE of a weiner, so I'm totally mentally preparing myself for a boy. Which would be swell because we'd also be thrilled with a boy. It's just that the small fortune that I've already spent on girl clothes (yes, my family and friends think I'm ridiculous too) may have to become a gift stash, and that would be kind of sad for me. Plus, I LOOOOOOOVE doing little girlies' hair! Time will tell, my friends, time will tell...

2. Fraser. That little munchkin is developing like crazy. He's motoring around, climbing onto things, using more signs (the new ones are milk, bath, eat, bye bye, blowing kisses), says "Nana", "Papa", "Mama" & "Dada", "water" (sort of), "dog" and "banana", and imitates "cheese", "aaaahhhh", as well as other random sounds and facial expressions. It's getting tricky to keep track of this little fella! He's also entered into the 'primary caregiver separation anxiety' phase where he reeeeeally wants his mama and cries when I leave. He's fine like 3 seconds later (and yes, it's a totally healthy and normal part of development), but MAN does it ever break my heart. I quickly captured one of the mini meltdowns before jetting out the door...

3. And now, without further ado, the rest of Hawaii...

Lowell's cousin, Amanda, and her hubby Josh just happened to be in Kauai at the same time as us, so we paid them a little visit at their fancy shmancy resort. Amanda is also pregnant (5 weeks behind me), so OBVIOUSLY we had to get a picture...

Lowell and I also got to go tubing! The adventure took place at the base of Mt. Waialeale which is reportedly the rainiest place on earth (our humorous guides were very direct in informing us that it is NOT the wettest place on earth as is often claimed, as that is still the ocean!). It's there behind us...

And let the awesome gear and tremendous (albeit slightly chilly) excursion (which was 75% through tunnels) begin...

Th tubing adventure was in lieu of zip-lining. When we were in Hawaii 5 years ago for our honeymoon, Lowell booked a surprise day of activities for us which included zip-lining. It also included a helicopter tour, however, which took place first thing. My eyes were open for about 1 minute out of the entire hour (thank you, motion sickness), and I spent the rest of the day hunched over and ill. How sad it was to cancel our zip-lining fun. This time around we were super stoked to have another chance to go, but YOU CAN'T GO IF YOU'RE PREGNANT. Which I am. Dangitt. NEXT time, y'all... mark my words!

Awwww... Papa reading to Ty & Fraser...

And Auntie Freen colouring with Ty...

Carlynne scored this wonderfully fantastic breadstick/Nutella snack packet for me. Excellent!

If you think we would leave Kauai without taking a variety of family-type pictures, well, then, you'd be wrong.

And just the kidlets...

I happen to think that my mother and sisters are extremely beautiful, and Kylie is most DEFINITELY included in that, as she is both our sister AND ridiculously beautiful. Well done, Marc, well done...

It is with sadness that we bid farewell to Kauai and family, but it's wonderful to be in our own beds at home. Now we have Christmas and even MORE fun family time to look forward to... WOOHOO!


Shelly said...

Hey Julie! Love the updates! I too, am wishing I stuck with vball over basketball in high school. But - the good news? Ladies Vball league in lethbridge! I am playing in the "B" division with some other girls from high school (younger than me so you might not know them all, plus others) and its so much fun! We hope to move up to"A" next year as that is the super competitive and we are currently in the plain competitive B division... Ha. If you are ever wishing to play again once baby #2 is here and you are able to free yourself on Monday evenings, let me know! :)

Lowell & Julie said...

Thanks for the invite, Shelly, but there's something you should know.... I now SUCK!! Seriously. I played a few games with an intramural team like 5 years ago and it was extremely humiliating! I'd definitely need some practise and to build up the appropriate muscles, but if I do.... I'll totally look you up! :)