Lowell and I have now officially surfed in 4 countries. Granted, we only surfed once or twice in each country (we've been sticking with our less expensive forte- boogy boarding)... but

New Zealand...


And now Australia!

When we pulled into what seemed to be the only vacant parking spot at Surfer's Paradise, we immediately spotted a van for 'Godfathers of the Ocean Surf School'. We approached the vehicle, and rented some boards. But these weren't just any boards. They were rented to us by surfing mogul Michael 'Munga' Barry!! HE'S A LEGEND!! He has several awards under his belt, has surfed with the best of the best in the
world, and is featured in surf films. Just google him...
you'll see.
The one on the right is Munga Barry. (I can do that too... no problemo
).Here is Munga Barry WITH ME (post surfing)...

And here are some shots of Lowell and I playing with the waves.
We both caught the same wave...

I did a little dance on my board...

We both fell...

We raced...

And we just plum had fun.
Munga gave Lowell some pointers, so when we add a fifth country to our surfing resumes (CANADA), I'm sure we'll be pros just like our good friend Michael.
Canada? as in Pacific Rim National Park? Like, by us?
Maybe Stafford Lake or Park Lake? Bahaha. I wish I could learn to surf. Looks like a TON of fun. And meeting a surfing legend? Sweet!
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