Monday, March 16, 2015

It's not easy being green.

Adjusted expectations combined with mini egg bribery choice, and we totally nailed the two-second-long St. Paddy's photo sesh.

When selecting his tattoos, Fraser requested "the big tree and the basket of oranges." haha!

It was the boys' idea to include Kumeu, and he pulled off the blue steel/trucker look completely on his own.

The boys were super proud of Kumeu for rocking his shots. "Good job Kumeu!" Snuggle snuggle kiss kiss.

Okay I admit. Not everyone was as into this as me.

 A bit of a cold shoulder thing happening.
A lot of nose picking happening. Always.

Also, perhaps simplicity is key to a pseudo successful photo shoot? Simplicity has not been my forte in the past.

Fraser in 2012.

Fraser & Nico in 2013.
Stefan in 2014.
Fraser in 2014.
Fraser AND Stefan in 2014.

Haha. Ya live, ya learn... happy St. Patrick's Day!


Chelsea said...

So cute, Julie! I thought at first that photo number 1 was Fraser. They look a lot like with their caps on! However, when I saw the REAL Fraser, I could hardly believe how old he looks. Adorable, both of them!

Lowell & Julie said...

Haha! I took the liberty of labeling their individual shots so as to prevent confusion. ;) And yes- it continually shocks me how old they look! As long as their mama always looks like a spring chicken, we're cool. hahaha!