I can't believe that DECEMBER is almost over. You know what that means?
I will have successfully taken a picture every day for a year. Man. Time
went by fast before we had kids, but now it goes by at super duper sonic
warp speed times a million zillion plus one. Also, we currently go to bed shortly after 8pm if we can POSSIBLY swing it. We're having a hard time recalling what in heaven's name we DID with ourselves before these wonderful, time-consuming, delightful, exhausting, you-name-it-we've-felt-it little creatures appeared on the scene. Were we super bored all the time? Did we go out every. single. night?
It's but a hazy fog of time passed! In any case- however unglamorous- we're thoroughly enjoying this stage of life... and here's November in pictures! |
These two make grocery shopping easy on their mama because the enjoy being in the cart together. And THIS? The arm thing? It happens frequently. For real. |
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Dog run fun with my little eskimo man. |
Fraser loaded the dishwasher... such an efficient use of space (hey, I take whatever help I'm offered)! |
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I love how these two love to be close. Anywhere. Even in the corner of the kitchen! |
Stefan in a booster seat (and eating pretty much anything) has been a delightful development! |
Hangin out while mama cleans. |
These two are remarkably similar in size. They can even wear the same clothes- a little snug on Fraser and a tad big on Stefan... but STILL! |
Looking over yonder- planning his escape perhaps? |
Helping Nana & Papa with yard work. Er, rather, "helping". |
Helping celebrate Nico's second birthday! Uncle Nicholas built some rad jumps for the two little hooligans to ride around on (and Nico, might I add, is a total pro)! |
Bikes 'n bubbles! |
I can hardly believe these boys are two! |
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Mmmm..... snow! |
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Early birthday dins (for Lowell) with JAJ, Ryan, Elise, Craig, and Shareen! Fraser was (as usual) fascinated with baby Elise and repeated "hi...hi...hi...hi" forever. Ca-UTE! |
For Lowell's 32nd birthday, I made him a car mat shirt so he could score some extra massages from Fraser('s cars). |
A closer look at the car mat massage shirt. It was an original idea from my very own brain (I swear), but when I did a google search for design ideas, I learned that I was DEFINITELY not the first one to have such a brain wave. And also, I ripped off most of this design from someone else. After the fact, however, I came up with an original brilliant design plan that I shall put into motion once Fraser wears this one out! |
Florence! |
I wanted some chairs dedicated to the boys' booster seats, so my mom donated my Grandma's old paint chair and my great Uncle Billy's old work chair to my cause. Slop on a little paint, and voila! |
Here they are in their new home complete with booster seats:
Sneaky little Fraser did this kid-chair-atop-a-normal-chair-and-sit-on-it-innocently thing without Lowell noticing (at least initially)! |
When I was pregnant with Fraser (yes, FRASER), mama & papa Gw sent this giant bean bag chair from NZ. Being the super diligent folks that we are, we JUST got the foamy bean things to fill it, and it. is. amazing. Fraser loves to launch himself onto it, and we all love to lay on it and chillax. So, huge belated thank you to the Gws... can't imagine our living room without it now! |
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This zebra suit was worn by Uncle Dave & Auntie Lori's girls, then Fraser, and now Stefan. That's a lot of everyday use out of what's presumed to be a Halloween costume! |
Mr. Blue Eyes was pretty upset that it was time to come inside for lunch and naps. And by the way, I did nothing with this picture. Those baby blues are all natural! |
Carlynne and Fin came to town and we visited our good pal Yolanda. Her daughter Izzy disappeared, and she had fallen fast asleep in the sun spot on her parents' bed... so cute! |
Auntie Shareen and two of her four fave nephews! |
The 3 stooges. Stefan and his two baby girlie cousins: Finola & Elise. I was preeeetty aggravated when the camera card decided to be full the very moment that all three of them gave a charming smile. I PROMISE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Ah well, they're all pretty adorable even sans smiles. |
The adult 3 stooges. This is Carlynne and I with our very close friend from Uni: LISA! WE LOVE LISA!! And yes, it bears noting that ONCE AGAIN I was squatting in this picture. I have GOT to stop squatting in pictures... Carlynne is really beginning to believe that she's ACTUALLY taller than me! |
Nana & Papa with their name sakes. Nana Bette Rose with Finola Rose, and Papa Peter with Stefan Peter. :) |
A close up of the Christmas clad twin cuzzies! |
I'm more of an October-Christmas-decorating-gal myself, but this year it was November 25 that I put the tree up. Stefan was instantly attracted to the glistening beauty, and rolled his way over to grab at some lights... such holiday spirit! |
This little guy is Auntie Carlynne's doppelganger. I need to dig up some of Carlynne's baby shots and give you a side-by-side because it's uncanny. Sometimes it's like I'm nursing a tiny little Carlynne... which is both amusing and disconcerting. |
Mmmmm... ginormous carrot... |
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Fraser did aaaaalllll the stairs at the dog run on his own. Which is an exceptional feat considering there are, like, a million of them. |
Oh the wintery cuteness! |
Crazy Lowell participated in a local race with veeeeerrrrry little training but of course, still rocked it. |
Well, November... that's a wrap!
1 comment :
Many blessings at Christmas and a very happy 2014 to all 4 of you! Your boys are adorable! Keep on blogging, I love to read about you and your lovely family!
Love, Janny Wisse
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