Given that old man winter has already stomped on us with his large, slushy boots (IN OCTOBER), I figured it was time to post summery September pictures...
A farm visit started off with Auntie Marti snuggles! |
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Stefan with Auntie Lori and four of his cousins! |
Fraser loves his cuzzies! |
Grandma T and her beloved poochies (the parents of the above puppies). |
Fraser was fascinated by everything "farm". Too bad for Grandpa that Fraser came along like 20 years too late! |
(As diminished as my brain cells may be, it did not escape my notice that there are several pictures for September 2... hehehe... deal with it).
A special visit with our dear friends from Uni (Trav & Lisa) and their little cutie Vivi. |
Mr. Stefan. |
Our summer backyard set up. The little white thing poking in the bottom right corner is Stefan's jolly jumper, and yes... the super comfy chair is for ME. |
If this isn't an ad for Pampers, I don't know what is! |
Stories with Daddy! Fraser often requests "read a book onna couch"... or rocking chair... or bed... basically, the kid just loves stories! |
Mommy/Fraser dog run date. Well, more like a Mommy/Fraser/Kumeu dog run date as we did not neglect to bring the dog to the dog run (we're good that way). |
Date night (tee hee hee). |
Think he's ready for solids yet? (Stefan, not Lowell. Lowell's been on solids for a few years now!) |
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Hot tubbin it at Nana & Papa's! |
Little show off! |
Such a goof! |
Stefan was introduced to solids... he's a fan. |
Mommy and Fraser goofy date! |
Just having some muddy garden fun! |
Fraser's first day of gymnastics. Loves. it. |
Stefan just loooooves the outdoor jolly jumper (delegated as the "outdoor jolly jumper" because it takes up too much stinkin space in the house)! |
Baby Elise came for a visit! Elise is 6 weeks younger than Stefan. |
Stefan's turn for some muddy garden fun. |
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Fraser's prance. It is for real, and it is really this hilarious. |
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Baby Summer squeaked into this world JUST before the official end of summer. Welcome precious girl... and good timing! |
Fraser helping out with the cake part of his birthday cake pops! |
Mr. Jumperoo. |
I attended a two-day speechie conference in Lethbridge... armed with Starbucks and ready to learn! |
Contemplating serious fun. And he really DOES have hair. It's just so blonde that he still looks like Baldy McBalderson in every. single. picture! |
This may be the 17th time some of you have seen this photo, but here are the cake pops all ready for Fraser's big day! |
The birthday boys! Fraser is 2, and Kumeu is 3.5. |
Fraser's birthday bowling party with Liam & Nico! |
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I realize I include many pictures of Fraser at the dog run, but he just loves it so much and it's just sooo dang cute! |
Ah, it does my heart good to successfully capture such moments! |
The. End. When October's pictures make their appearance, you can look forward to seeing the result of me going hog wild crazy with the scissors and FRASER'S hair (no one is safe from mama's hair scissors in THIS house)...
1 comment :
pretty sure you have the SWEETEST boys on the planet!!
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