Week 34 and this fetus child is nearly 18 inches long- about the length of a pair of baseball socks (from the ankle up, and specifically meant for men with size 9-12 feet). Totally legit.
For the past several weeks, I have blindly ambled into the garage with a measuring tape, crossing my fingers that I'll find something- ANYTHING- that's remotely sporty and close to the current fetal length. I've been sort of grasping at straws, and this week I FINALLY caved and took a trip to Sport Chek. Trust me, I looked really cool with measuring tape in hand assessing the size of various sporting equipment. I scored some items for the next couple of weeks, and don't worry- I was really clear on the return policy. I don't anticipate requiring a pair of red men's baseball socks any time soon.
1. I am LARGE. And totally in charge. When I was 40 weeks pregnant with Fraser, my belly was 43 inches around. I'm now 34 weeks preggs, and I'm ONE INCH off at 42 inches. This has me somewhat terrified (and yes, I blame the cyst).
I'm at that stage where I realize how much I normally take for granted the simple things in life. Things like putting on pants. And shoes. The signs I ABSOLUTELY DREAD to see in public are those to the effect of "please remove shoes". Yes, I suppose I can... but between this belly, my hips, and Fraser, I may not be getting them back on. Fortunately, there are few signs requesting that I remove my pants.
2. Fraser has upgraded his "Noooo" to "nooway." He's so serious, but we can't help but burst into laughter. It's just darling.
3. Last weekend we headed to the farm to visit Grandma & Grandpa T and take PUPPY PICTURES (there are 16 of Kumeu's siblings for sale, y'all)! We love puppies, and we love taking pictures... so it only makes sense that we love taking puppy pictures. Unfortunately I wasn't really on my game (as I had developed a nasty head cold), so poor Lowell had to deal with inpatient Julie barking commands like "it's good enough- photo shop it later"; "NEXT" etc etc. We still got great shots, and here's a tiny glimpse of the cuteness (although there are likely even cuter ones but I have not yet looked through all of them)...
Goin in for a kiss...
Adorable chaos...
4. February Project 365 photos. And GO...
Yo Sis. My wife is 37 inches around at the momento. For your information.
Thanks for the info, bro. A mere 5 inches until she catches me... GO CARLYNNE!!
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