Week 27 and Kiwi is about 14.5 inches long- the diameter of our stroller's wheel. I can't believe this is the last week of my second trimester! Kiwi and I are still trucking along just fine. Each day I have ups and downs with the ol hip/back and vein discomfort, but on the whole I feel pretty awesome. I just read that "snissing" is a common symptom at this stage- peeing when sneezing (hehe). It makes me so happy that there's a word for that!
1. Last week in my state of diminished brain capacity (remember? Sofia Vergara's classic "I have two brains but I've never been so dumb"?), I completely forgot to include a couple little G grandbaby gems. Ladies & gentlemen: Fraser, Ty & Zeke in all their G grandbaby cuteness...
Love having little cuzzies around, and looking forward to the next time we see them (which won't be until after wee Kiwi is born.... oooooo scary!).
2. Despite being down, out, and sickie for the better part of this past week (thank you day care aka cesspool of germs), Fraser made up for it by having loads of fun at the end of the week. He had play dates with two of his besties: Hope & Nico.
Beautiful Hope...
And handsome Nico...
You had perhaps been wondering what could possibly be cuter than 15-month old Fraser on skis? I think the above picture proves that 15-month old Fraser on skis WITH 14-month old Nico on skis is also pretty dang adorable. Well, at least their proud mamas think so!
He even got some hang out time with Tristan & Kira...
Fraser was particularly enthralled with Tristan & Kira's crazy wild couch-jumping antics...
Nathania (Tristan & Kira's mama) is preggo too (due a few weeks before me), and I FORGOT TO GET A NATHANIA/JULIE BELLY SHOT. (Side note for Nathania: if I look at all put together next time we hang, REMIND ME!)
3. Fraser has been generous with his most adorable kisses. He leans in with a big "MWAH!" which often sounds more like "MA!" and is usually accompanied by a hug. Kumeu & baby Kiwi are the most frequent recipients of this affection. Some day I hope to REALLY capture the sweetness between Fraser and Kiwi, but this is what I've got so far...
(Lowell said it looks like he's on my boob here. He's not.)
We caught Kumeu kisses ON VIDEO which was just plain classic. The vid is about a minute long, and you REALLY only need watch a snippet (ANY snippet), but I simply couldn't bring myself to edit any of it out because it was just too priceless.
Oh, and his giant teddy (courtesy of Auntie Erin) also receives plenty of love...
4. Hair cut #2! This one was done sans Nana, and admittedly not QUITE as successful... but totally tolerable.
Before (CRAZY!)...
(Yes, that is a garbage bag draped over Fraser, and regular kitchen scissors in my hand. You can see where perhaps I went wrong here).
Daddy entertaining Fraser so he would look down(ish) allowing me to cut the back (sort of)...
Annnnnnd AFTER!
5. Fraser is almost 16 months old and I JUST started trying cloth diapers. JUST as in, like, 20 minutes ago. My lovely sis-in-law, Lori, lent me her set and for the past 15 months I've had the best of intentions. Honest. But there's no time like the present right? I'm having a hard time getting used to the ginormous butt that accompanies such a trend, and I really have no idea what I'm doing or how I'm going to be cleaning this all-in-oner when I take it off.... so I accept (i.e., am actively seeking) advice (and PS I'm going to contact our knowledgable sis Lori in like 3 seconds)...
Our little bubble butt.
6. It thrills me to my very core that Fraser's daycare staff regularly report how delightful, fun, happy, and easy going Fraser is. Absolutely. thrills. me.
Did you notice the black/white/sepia quality of this post? Apparently it's a phase. Let it not in any way indicate a lack of colour in my life, however, as Fraser alone- who has personality UP THE WAZOO- contributes PLENTY of colour!
Baby #2 will be here before we know it! You look good. Keep taking care of you as you take care of others...
Thanks Angela. :) I simply can't believe how fast kiwi's arrival is approaching!!
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