It's already been a week since we came home from Hawaii, and I do believe it has passed in a cloud of fatigue. We flew home through the night, and while Fraser slept the entire way (angel child!), I did NOT. So I was basically awake for 35 hours straight... NOT IDEAL! Now that the fog has cleared somewhat, I can look back on our tropical getaway with fond memories- 80% of which are from the nude beach (it's a pretty memorable place). HOWEVER, Lowell made me promise to only tell ONE nude beach story as to not taint your view of us (because we wore swimming suits and we REALLY only returned again and again for the awesome waves... I SWEAR!). So let me start with this little gem...
While I was swimming in the waves , there was a naked gentleman near me who sought me out for conversation. I kept backing away because a) I didn't want a powerful wave to jam his naked body into my not-so-naked body (awwwwkward), and b) it's really weird attempting to have a decent conversation when each time the waves receded below his waistline, my eyeballs would fly skyward to avoid visual contact with you-know-what. This nice/interesting man told me all about how he was a major league baseball star but quit to help people, and now he's making a documentary about his life. I was pleasant with him, but inside I was thinking 'What a load of crap, I wonder what drug he's on'. Bobby Valentine, he said his name was. We all know I love a good celebrity connection, so I had been thinking of getting his picture JUST IN CASE he was telling the truth, but the nakedness knocked THAT option off the table. Well, apparently I'm a little overly skeptical of naked people, because I looked him up when I got home and he's legit.
Bobby Valentine is toootally legit! Bobby, if you happen to google yourself and see this little anecdote... please accept my profound apologies and forgive my skepticism!

That's all I'll say about Little Beach, but I'm just DYING to share my other stories, so if you see me, casually bring it up in conversation and I'll gladly tell all!
Now back to the family friendly fun... POOP! Lowell and I brought a diaper genie insert as disposal for Ty and Fraser's diapers. Those little guys sure like to poop!! Here's our diaper tube after one week. Some might consider this ART...

Other than filling the poop tube, we enjoyed chillin at the beach...

Admiring Fraser's "bed" (yes, it is a wee blankie atop a stack of towels on the floor by our bed... he slept like a log!)...

Paddle boarding...

Little walks...

Boogie boarding...

Watching sunsets...

Jumping on the bed...

Date night while Nana and Papa babysat the grandbabies (and Papa played his Hawaiian ukelele!)...

Greeting friends from Lethbridge at the Maui airport, then spending quality beach time with them...

And enjoying the general cuteness of Ty & Fraser...

Oh what a joyous time with family (that ended ALL to quickly). I vote we make this an annual thing (with Shareen, Craig, Carlynne & Daniel of course)!!! :)