I simply cannot believe that our 10 days of basking in the Hawaiian sunshine is OVER! It was far too spectacular to end so soon. And now for some final Maui documentation...
We- of COURSE- had tons of fun on the beach...

Some quality family togetherness all waiting for the same wave...

And all catching the same wave...

The waves at the beach across from our condo were a lot more manageable (and TAME) than the waves we sought out at other beaches. We got tossed around and beat up mercilessly. Pictures just don't do the waves justice... you really have to experience it to know what I'm talking about!
Still on the beach theme... (disclaimer: if the talk of nakeness and/or nude beaches makes you uncomfortable, skip the following paragraph (and consider yourself warned))...
Another thing Lowell and I did was go to a nude beach… and boogie board naked! In my head, I'm screaming this information in all caps, but in the interest of not drawing attention to my nakedness on this public blog, I decided to keep it all lower case... and sans pictures. It was too momentous of an occasion NOT to mention, so I'm hoping that these lower case letters (and the disclaimer) will do the trick. No? And what's that you say? If you google "Lowell and Julie plus nude beach", our blog comes up? Ah well... now I can cross that little experience off the ol bucket list (and hopefully never see another weiner as long as I live).
Back to the family-friendly fun...
The penthouse suite where we stayed had a rooftop balcony (WITH A HOT TUB!) that was 100% OURS. Everyone even took a turn sleeping outside- it was beautiful!

Well, beautiful for the most part. One day it rained ALL DAY (which was particularly ridiculous because it was Kihei's first rainfall in A YEAR AND A HALF). No skin off our backs though, it was still warm outside and we had the ocean to ourselves!

On the rainy evening, we were less exhausted than normal and actually stayed up past 9pm (which- believe it or not- was quite a record)! We played the most hilarious game ever which included doing charades under a sheet (which is incredibly challenging!)...

Oh my goodness, there was SO much laughter!

I don't know if this says anything about our brain capacity or function, but Kylie and I PARTICULARLY enjoyed playing 'Guess Who?'... what a FANTASTIC game!! Small things please small minds maybe? No no, I'm kidding (sort of)...

While we had tons of joyous family time, each couple also had some date time. Lowell and I went for a walk, enjoyed shaved ice, and re-visited our honeymoon condo (which was 300 metres away from our penthouse suite!)

Now let's flashback to our honeymoon...

Okay, now back to the present. On our walk, we got some treats at the grocery store, and came across this...

Is this some sort of joke? Macadamia nuts with SPAM? GROSS!!
Another thing all of us did was snuggle with and coo over little Ty. What a pop-can-lovin DOLL!

Tante Yulie loves you Ty! ("Tante" is "aunt" in Dutch, and my Grandma G (the Dutch one) always called me "Yulie". During our trip, Shareen constantly referred to me as 'Tante Yulie"... and it stuck!)

Nana & Grandpa are completely smitten (as are the rest of us). My Mom did what my Grandma used to do with us. She'd say "How big is Ty?" Then put up her arms and say "Sooooo big!" Before long, Ty was lifting his arms on his own while Nana said "sooooo big!"...

Before I sign off on our glorious holiday, let me point out our penthouse (which includes the top floor of what is shown in this picture- half balcony, half condo, all amazing)...

And the view...

Wow- what a fabulous time with family. SOOOO memorable! And boy oh boy do we ever want to go back! So long Hawaii- we miss you already!!

Okay I love your trip & it excites me as we are about to go to NZ. Hilarious that you went to a nude beach! Although I don't think Lowell will be to happy with the not wanting to see another wiener as long as you live :) Loved that you did this for Christmas & the family pic at the end is awesome! Ty is so adorable...glad you had a great time Tante Yulie! Oh and you too Lowell!
SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!! love all the pictures and i can't believe you guys went to a nude beach and boogie-boarded. hilarious!
plus...you said 'weiner'. WEEEEEINER!!
Hee hee- both of your weiner comments made me laugh out loud:)
LOVE the pictures and the commentary!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Hopefully you did not get too exfoliated boogie boarding nekid!! :)
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