Monday, September 06, 2010

G family photo shoot!

Last weekend, our good friends Kevan & Duane of 6:8 Photography journeyed on down to Lethbridge for a G family photo shoot. K&D are great amounts of fun, and we were super pleased with the final products (despite the rain-flattened hair)!

Here's the whole lot of us by Lethbridge's own high level bridge...

And now for the original six...

Here's my favourite shot of all time...

And here are a bunch of others...

I'm pretty sure Ty was a little chilly... and not too super thrilled (but still ADORABLE)...

Aw, Auntie Shareenie can make it allll better...

We, of course, had to get a shot of us four siblings...

Okay, come on you guys. That's not overly classy. Let's try again...

Uhhhh that's weird. Better... but still weird. One more try!

There we go!

You can't really blame us for our ridiculous faces, though. We come by it honestly, you know (CHECK OUT MY DAD!!)...

When the following picture was about to be taken, Ty was pouting so K&D shouted "everyone pout with Ty!" The SECOND all the big boys started to pout, Ty straightened out his face. What a brilliant brilliant, hilarious boy he is. Oh how we love that kid!

Aww.... now for mama and all her boys...

I'm going to finish off with a shot of Lowell and me. It's an attempt at an "air/jump-kiss". I'm not sure why I was so convinced it would work because it very much did NOT... but I think we get an 'A' for effort anyway...

Thanks Kev & Duane!!


Melissa said...

Those are some FANTASTIC pictures!!! My faves are the kissy one with Ty being hung upside down... the goofy faces ones, the 'jump-in-the-air-kissing-pic'... yeah. These are all great. The expressions are priceless!! What a fun family!

Anonymous said...

Hey, fun commentary Julie! Great summary of the shoot. Oh so many good pictures. which ones to choose?!
Mum and Dad

Mama Bear said...

these are AWESOME!! My favourite one is of everyone jumping with the umbrellas.

JulieAnne said...

Beautiful pictures! What a lovely family!

Colleen and Mike Hoyer said...

Great photos. God is good. all the time. Enjoy Life. enjoy health! Blessings to you all!