Remember our once
finished basement?? You know, the one that we were simply going to pop a kitchen on into, and call it a suite?

Well, we knew that before we could do
anything, we had to demolish and trash the seventies bar counter (as it was dominating the kitchen's turf)...

(It was loud...)

Good. Done. Ready for a kitchen now right? WRONG!
We learned that in order to have a STOVE in the kitchen (which, in my opinion, is pretty imperative), we needed to get a permit from the city to create a
legal secondary suite.
Okay fine.
But in order to meet
all the legal requirements, we needed to dry-wall any common wall/ceiling for fire-proofing. So, we ripped out the common walls and removed the ceiling tiles (because while we're at it, we're going to replace pipes, re-do electrical, and sound-proof the ceiling). Brian & Candy- bless their sweet souls- came from Fernie, B.C for the sole purpose of helping us (and feeding us and keeping my recently surgeoned mother company).

My Dad worked his butt off despite his surgeoned finger. (Yes,
both of my parents have recently had operations and are now temporarily gibbled.) What a trooper!
"Away with you, ceiling tiles!"When the ceiling came down, Brian noticed that there was no insulation between the foundation and the wall panels (on the walls that we were NOT planning on tearing down). So, since we were dry-walling anyway, we decided to rip it ALL down...

Then our contractors came over, saw the framing, and advised us to tear it down as it had been done wrong. Okaaaaay....WHY NOT?!
So, Tavis & Chryslyn and Sheldon & Rosie came over and helped us remove the carpet and THEN demo the outer wall framing.

We had a few boo boos while removing the carpet, but nothing a good carpet layer can't deal with (right??!?!)!...

Chryslyn and Rosie also thought this was all getting a bit ridiculous...

Oh, and we also demolished the mantle while we were in demolition mode...

This is the spot that was formerly the mantle...

So, what
was a beautifully finished basement BEFORE (i.e., 5 days ago), is now a giant dark hole of emptiness (and dust)...

And holes (thank you, plumbers)...

Now plumbers, electricians, contractors, and furnace dudes are filling our home, so things WILL look better.... eventually... I