The August long weekend was fantastically fabulous and fun-filled.... but
anything but relaxing.
Saturday was a delightful day filled with Marc & Tara's wedding festivities. Carlynne and I joined the gals early as Tara asked us to do their make-up. I remain convinced that I was only asked so I wouldn't feel left out (as Carlynne & Shareen are definitely the make-up gurus of the family), but I sure took my job seriously! The night before the wedding, Carlynne showed me various products (oh boy there's a LOT out there...) and taught me how to apply them. I applied them to half my face, then considered myself ready to take on a bridal party (even though I had NEVER applied make-up of any kind to anyone
else's face before)! Shaking hands aside, all went well.
As long as Carlynne had the bride covered, I was good. She did a fabulous job, and Tara looked beautiful!

Marc & Tara have a lot of humorous friends and family- the wedding and reception were filled with tears of laughter (and there were also some emotional tears thrown in for good measure).
Marc & Tara's wedding day was also Carlynne and Dan's 'One Year Anniversary Eve', so here's the
other couple of the weekend.

Suave as always...

On Sunday morning my parents CRANKED the tunes before 6am so we'd all (including Dan's parents whom we affectionately refer to as "Uncle" Sid and "Auntie" Marge) get out of bed and out the door to begin our WATERTON adventure.
We arrived in time to grab some caffeine-to-go and hop aboard the early ferry.

I believe that Crypt Lake is the only hike in Waterton that requires ferry transportation to the base of the track.Aaaaannnnnnd we hiked.

It. Was. HOT.
We stopped at each stream to fill our hats with fresh freezing stream water as demonstrated here by Auntie Marge...

The hike included narrow cliff walks, and a cave that is apparently getting a little smaller with each passing year. How very reassuring...

I pointed down and shot...

No Lowell. That is NOT funny...

Our efforts were rewarded once we reached the top. Crypt Lake ladies and gentelmen...

The water was butt freezing cold, but apparently still inviting as Lowell and Dad dove in for a refreshing dip in their scivvies.

Uncle Sid and Dan made use of their temporary fishing permits...

Meanwhile the rest of us scarfed down our ridiculously large lunches and were then lulled into a food and exercise-induced coma.

Before descending the mount, we walked around the lake. It was neither as easy nor as pleasant as it looked, but it was still an
Dad spent some time skipping stones and waving to his American siblings. (The south end of Crypt Lake is in the States).

I joined Carlynne on a rock, and while she smiled briefly for a photo, she evidently wasn't too happy about me stealing part of her rock...

After a long trek down the mount, we were soooo happy to take off our shoes and soak/rub our throbbing feet.

Uncle Sid even took a very athletic leap into the chilled water...

On the ferry ride back, we spotted a bear! It was to be the first of THREE (well, two
for sure but POTENTIALLY three) that we saw before heading home...
(It's small and it's far away... BUT IT'S THERE!)After a much needed stretching session, we went for ICE CREAM! (I don't think any Waterton hiker leaves the Park without first stopping for ice cream. That would be a crime).

Before leaving town, hitting the hot tub, then sleeping like LOGS, we closed off our Waterton journey with a group shot in front of the falls.

So there you have it. Wonderful? You bet! Relaxing? NOT AT ALL!!!
Looks like a great time! I plan on getting out and hiking more before the summer is over. How long is the Crypt Lake hike? I totally want to do it!
what a great adventure!! Did dan catch any fish?
Cool!! Love the colour of the water!!
Just for the record... I would like to say that Julie deserved to be pushed off that rock.
Exciting hike! I'll ask you for a good hike in Waterton when I visit Alberta in 2 years! Maybe we'll have a good one in Ontario when you visit soon:)
Please share any more pictures you have of Tara and Marc's wedding! Maybe on Facebook or something. I'd love to see them and live vicariously through you:) fun. Maybe we can all go for a hike after we run the 8K when you get here? If only we can convince Carlynne and Dan to come out too....hmmmmmm...
Shelly- Crypt lake is 17 kms total I think. If you go around the lake, it's an extra km or so. I would definitely recommend it!
ShellEy- Yep, Dan & his Dad each caught one, but they released them again (so we didn't have to carry sloshy stinky dead fish all the way down the mountain...)
Liz- Yes, it was very pretty indeed!
Clyn- *gasp* LIAR!!
Ave- you know you're welcome to visit us in Alberta ANY time!!
By now you have probably seen all the pictures of the wedding on facebook?! If not, let me know, and I'll send you some fairly crappy shots that we got:)
Shareen- I think I'm barely going to be in good enough shape to run 8km! But I agree... we DO need to get Clyn & Dan out there too!
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